Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 79.djvu/310

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[79 STAT. 270]
PUBLIC LAW 89-000—MMMM. DD, 1965
[79 STAT. 270]



[79 STAT.


For the Office of the Parliamentarian, $101,875, including the Parliamentarian and $2,000 for preparing the Digest of the Rnles, as authorized by law. COMPILATION OF PRECEDENTS OF HOUSE OP REPRESENTATIVES

For compiling the precedents of the House of Representatives as hereinafter authorized, $10,000. Lewis Deschler is authorized (during the current and succeeding fiscal years until the work is completed) to compile and prepare for printing the parliamentary preced!ents of the House of Representatives, together with such other materials as may be useful in connection therewith, and an index digest of such precedents and other materials. As so compiled and prepared, such precedents and other materials and index digest shall be printed on such size pages and in such type and format as Lewis Deschler may determine, and in such numbers and for such distribution as may hereafter be provided by law. For the purpose of carrying out such compilation and preparation, Lewis Deschler may (1) subject to the approval of the Speaker, appoint (as employees of the House of Representatives) and fix the compensation (at a per annum rate) of clerical and other personnel, and (2) utilize the services of personnel of the Library of Congress and the Government Printing Office. OFFICE OF THE CHAPLAIX

For the Office of the Chaplain, $15,000. OFFICE OF THE CLERK

For the Office of the Clerk, including $140,750 foi- ihe House Recording Studio, $1,552,000. OFFJCE OF THE.SERGEANT AT AKMS

For the Office of the Sergeant at Arms, including not to exceed twenty police privates on the Capitol Police Board additional to the number otherwise authorized, $1,044,500. OFFICE OF THE 1KH>RKEEPKR

For the Office of Doorkeeper, $1,620,000. OFFICE OF THE POSTMASTER

For the Office of the Postmaster, hicluding $10,525 for employment of substitute messengers and extra services of regular employees when required at the basic salary rate of not to exceed $2,100 per annum each, $512,000. COMMITTEEMPLOYEES

For committee employees, including the Committee on Appropriations, $3,800,000. SPECIAL A N D MINORITY EMPLOYEES

For six minority employees, $112,230. For the office of the majority floor leader, inclu<ling $3,000 for official expenses of the majority leader, $86,600.