Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 79.djvu/326

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[79 STAT. 286]
PUBLIC LAW 89-000—MMMM. DD, 1965
[79 STAT. 286]


PUBLIC LAW 89-97-JULY 30, 1965

[79 STAT.

Public Law 89-97 |H/R°66?f] .

Am^ndments'^f*^ 1965.

^ AN ACT To provide a hospital insurance program for the aged under the Social Security Act with a supplementary medical benefits program and an expanded program of medical assistance, to increase benefits under the Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance System, to improve the Federal-State public assistance programs, and for other purposes.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the ?7m^e<^ States of America in Congress assembled, That this Act, with the following table of contents, may be cited as the "Social Security Amendments of 1965". TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE I—HEALTH INSTJBANCE FOB THE AGED AND MEDICAL ASSISTANCE


SEC. 101. Entitlement to hospital insurance benefits. SEC. 102. Hospital insurance benefits and supplementary medical insurance benefits. TITLE XVIII—HEALTH INSURANCE FOR THE AGED

SEC. 1801. Prohibition against any Federal interference. SEC. 1802. Free choice by patient guaranteed. SEC. 1803. Option to individuals to obtain other health insurance protection. PART A — H O S P I T A L INSURANCE BENEFITS FOB THE AGED


1811. Description of program. 1812. Scope of benefits. 1813. Deductibles and coinsurance. 1814. Conditions of and limitations on payment for services. (a) Requirement of requests and certifications. (b) Reasonable cost of services. (c) No payments to Federal providers of services. (d) Payments for emergency hospital services. (e) Payment for inpatient hospital services prior to notification of noneligibility. (f) Payment for certain emergency hospital services furnished outside the United States. SEC. 1815. Payment to providers of services SEC. 1816. Use of public agencies or private organizations to facilitate payment to providers of services. SEC. 1817. Federal hospital insurance trust fund. PART B — S U P P L E M E N T A BY MEDICAL INSURANCE BENEFITS FOB THE AGED

SEC. 1831. Establishment of supplementary medical insurance program for the aged. SEC. 1832. Scope of benefits. SEC. 1833. Payment of benefits. SEC. 1834. Limitation on home health services. SEC. 1835. Procedure for payment of claims of providers of services. SEC. 1836. Eligible individuals. SEC. 1837. Enrollment periods. SEC. 1838. Coverage period. SEC. 1839. Amounts of premiums. SEC. 1840. Payment of premiums. SEC. 1841. Federal supplementary medical insurance trust fund. SEC. 1842. Use of carriers for administration of benefits. SEC. 1843. State agreements for coverage of eligible individuals who are receiving money payments under public assistance programs. SEC. 1844. Appropriations to cover Government contributions and contingency reserve.