Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 79.djvu/363

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[79 STAT. 323]
PUBLIC LAW 89-000—MMMM. DD, 1965
[79 STAT. 323]

79 STAT. ]

PUBLIC LAW 89-97-JULY 30, 1965


sentence, the Secretary shall consider, among other things, the principles generally applied by national organizations or established prepayment organizations (which have developed such principles) in computing the amount of payment, to be made by persons other than the recipients of services, to providers of services on account of services furnished to such recipients by such providers. Such regulations may provide for determination of the costs of services on a per diem, per unit, per capita, or other basis, may provide for using different methods in different circumstances, may provide for the use of estimates of costs of particular items or services, and may provide for the use of charges or a percentage of charges where this method reasonably reflects the costs. Such regulations shall (A) take into account both direct and indirect costs of providers of services in order that, under the methods of determining costs, the costs with respect to individuals covered by the insurance programs established by this title will not be borne by individuals not so covered, and the costs with respect to individuals not so covered will not be borne by such insurance programs, and (B) provide for the making of suitable retroactive corrective adjustments where, for a provider of services for any fiscal period, the aggregate reimbursement produced by the methods of determining costs proves to be either inadequate or excessive. "(2)(A) If the bed and board furnished as part of inpatient hospital services (including inpatient tuberculosis hospital services and inpatient psychiatric hospital services) or post-hospital extended care services is in accommodations more expensive than semi-private accommodations, the amount taken into account for purposes of payment under this title with respect to such services may not exceed an amount equal to the reasonable cost of such services if furnished in such semi-private accommodations unless the more expensive accommodations were recfuired for medical reasons. " (B) Where a provider of services which has an agreement in effect under this title furnishes to an individual items or services which are in excess of or more expensive than the items or services with respect to which payment may be made under part A or part B, as the case may 30"^"'*' ^^* ^^ ^' be, the Secretary shall take into account for purposes of payment to such provider of services only the equivalent of the reasonable cost of the items or services with respect to which such payment may be made. "(3) If the bed and board furnished as part of inpatient hospital services (including inpatient tuberculosis hospital services and inpatient psychiatric hospital services) or post-nospital extended care services is in accommodations other than, but not more expensive than, semi-private accommodations and the use of such other accommodations rather than semi-private accommodations was neither at the request of the patient nor for a reason which the Secretary determines is consistent with the purposes of this title, the amount of the payment with respect to such bed and board under part A shall be the reasonable cost of such bed and board furnished in semi-private accommodations (determined pursuant to paragraph (1)) minus the difference between the charge customarily made by the hospital or extended care facility for bed and board in semi-private accommodations and the charge customarily made by it for bed and board in the accommodations furnished. " (4) For purposes of this subsection, the t«rm 'semi-private accom- accomwauont •» modations' means two-bed, three-bed, or four-bed accommodations.