Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 79.djvu/473

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[79 STAT. 433]
PUBLIC LAW 89-000—MMMM. DD, 1965
[79 STAT. 433]

79 STAT.]


PUBLIC LAW 89-108-AUGUST 5, 1965

Public Law 89-108 AN ACT To make certain provisions in connection with the construction of the Garrison, diversion unit, Missouri River Basin project, by the Secretary of the Interior.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the general plan for the Missouri-Souris unit of the Missouri River Basin project, heretofore authorized in section 9 of the Flood Control Act of December 22, 1944 (58 Stat. 887), as modified by the report of the Secretary of the Interior contained in House Document Numbered 325, Eightysixth Congress, second session, is confirmed and approved under the designation "Garrison diversion unit," and the construction of a development providing for the irrigation of two hundred and fifty thousand acres, municipal and industrial water, fish and wildlife conservation and development, recreation, flood control, and other project purposes shall be prosecuted by the Department of the Interior substantially in accordance with the plans set out in the Bureau of Reclamation report dated November 1962 (revised February 1965) supplemental report to said House Document Numbered 825. SEC. 2. (a) Subject to the provisions of subsections (b), (c), (d), and (e) of this section, the Secretary is authorized in connection with the Garrison diversion unit (i) to construct, operate, and maintain or provide for the construction, operation, and maintenance of public outdoor recreation and fish and wildlife enhancement facilities, (ii) to acquire or otherwise to include within the unit area such adjacent lands or interests in land as are necessary for present or future public recreation or fish and wildlife use, (iii) to allocate water and reservoir capacity to recreation and fish and wildlife enhancement, and (iv) to provide for the public use and enjoyment of unit lands, facilities, and water areas in a manner coordinated with other unit purposes. The Secretary is further authorized to enter into agreements with Federal agencies or State or local public bodies for the operation, maintenance, and replacement of unit facilities, and to transfer unit lands or facilities to Federal agencies or State or local public bodies by lease or exchange, upon such terms and conditions as will best promote the development and operation of such lands or facilities in the public interest for recreation and fish and wildlife enhancement purposes. (b) All costs allocated to fish and wildlife enhancement and incurred in connection with waterfowl refuges and waterfowl production areas proposed for Federal administration shall be nonreimbursable. (c)(1) If, before commencement of construction of the unit, nonFederal public bodies agree to administer for recreation or fish and wildlife enhancement or for both of these purposes pursuant to the plan for the development of the unit approved by the Secretary land and water areas which are not included within Federal waterfowl refuges and waterfowl production areas and to bear not less than one-half the separable costs of the unit allocated to either or both of said purposes, as the case may be, and attributable to such areas and all the costs of operation, maintenance, and replacement incurred in connection therewith, the remainder of the separable capital costs so allocated and attributed shall be nonreimbursable. (2) I n the absence of such a preconstruction agreement recreation and fish and wildlife enhancement facilities (other than minimum facilities for the public health and safety at reservoir access points and facilities related to Federal waterfowl refuges and waterfowl production areas) shall not be provided, and the allocation of unit costs shall reflect only the number of visitor days and the value per visitor

August 5, 1965 [H. R. 237]

Missouri River Basin Project, Garrison diversion unit. Construction provisions.

Recreation, fish and wildlife facilities.

Non-Federal public bodies. Project administration costs,

Allocation of unit costs.