Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 79.djvu/513

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[79 STAT. 473]
PUBLIC LAW 89-000—MMMM. DD, 1965
[79 STAT. 473]

79 STAT.]

PUBLIC LAW 89-117-AUGUST 10, 1965



SEC. 216. Title V of the National Housing Act is amended by inserting after section 520 (added by section 215 of this Act) a new section as follows: " A P P R O V A L O F TECHNICALLY SUITABLE MATERIALS

"SEC. 521. The Commissioner shall adopt a uniform procedure for the acceptance of materials and products to be used in structures approved for mortgages or loans insured under this Act. Lender such procedure any material or product which the Commissioner finds is technically suitable for the use proposed shall be accepted. Acceptance of a material or product as technically suitable shall not be deemed to restrict the discretion of the Commissioner to determine that a structure, with respect to which a mortgage is executed, is economically sound or an acceptable risk." W^\TER AND S E W E R F A C I L II T E S IN CONNECTION WITH CERTAIN FEDERALLY ASSISTED HOUSING

SEC. 217. (a) Title V of the National Housing Act is amended by inserting after section 521 (added by section 216 of this Act) a new section as follows: " W ^ A T E R AND


"SEC. 522. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, no mortgage which covers new construction shall be approved for insurance under this Act (except pursuant to a commitment made prior to the date of the enactment of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1966) if the mortgaged property includes housing which is not served by a public or adequate community water and sewerage system: Provided, That this limitation shall be applicable only to property which is not served b j a system approved by the Commissioner pursuant to title X of this Act and which is situated in an area certified by appropriate local officials to be an area where the establishment of public or adequate community water and sewerage systems is economically feasible: Provided further,^ That for purposes of this section the economic feasibility of establishing such public or adequate community water and sewerage systems shall be determined without regard to whether such establishment is authorized by law or is subject to approval by one or more local governments or public bodies." (b) Section 1804 of title 38, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end thereof a new subsection as follows: "(e) No loan for the purchase or construction of new residential ]:>roperty (other than property served by a water and sewerage system approved by the Federal Housing Commissioner pursuant to title X of the National Housing Act) shall be financed through the assistance of this chapter, except pursuant to a commitment made prior to the date of the enactment of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1965, if such property is not served by a public or adequate community Avater and sewerage system and is located in an area where the appropriate local officials certify that the establishment of such systems is economically feasible. For purposes of this subsection, the economic feasibility of establishing public or adequate community water and sewerage syctems shall be determined without regard to whether such establishment is authorized by law or is subject to approval by one or more local governments or public bodies." 49-850 0-66—33

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^^ Stat. 1206.