Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 79.djvu/542

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[79 STAT. 502]
PUBLIC LAW 89-000—MMMM. DD, 1965
[79 STAT. 502]


PUBLIC LAW 89-117-AUGUST10, 1965

[79 STAT.


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SE<^- 1007. Title V of the Housing Act of 1949 is amended by adding at the end thereof (after the new section added by section 1006 of this Act) the following new section: "DEFINITION OF RURAL AREA

"SEC. 520. As used in this title, the terms 'rural' and 'rural area' mean any open country, or any place, town, village, or city which is not part of or associated with an urban area and which (1) has a population not in excess of 2,500 inhabitants, or (2) has a population in excess of 2,500 but not in excess of 5,500 if it is rural in character." TITLE XI—MISCELLANEOUS ANNUAL REPORT ON HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS

12 USC lioio.

SEC. 1101. Section 802(a) of the Housing Act of 1954 is amended to read as follows: " (a) The Housing and Home Finance Administrator shall, as soon as practicable during each calendar year, make a report to the President for submission to the Congress on all operations and programs (including but not limited to the F H A insurance, urban renewal, public housing, and rent supplement programs) under the jurisdiction of the Housing and Home Finance Agency during the previous calendar year. Such report shall contain recommendations for strengthening or improving such programs, or, when necessary to implement more effectively Congressional policies and purposes, for establishing new or alternative programs." URBAN P L A N N I N G GRANTS

SEC. 1102. (a) The fifth sentence of section 701(b) of the Housing _ 73 Stat 678; ^^^t of 1954 is amended by striking out "$105,000,000" and inserting in 4ouic46u • lieu thereof "$230,000,000". (b) Section 701(b) of such Act is amended by striking out the period at the end and inserting in lieu thereof the following: ": Provided, That not to exceed 5 per centum of any funds so appropriated may be used by the Administrator for studies, research, and demonstration projects, undertaken independently or by contract, for the development and improvement of techniques and methods for comprehensive planning and for the advancement of the purposes of this section." (c)(1) Section 701 of such Act is amended by adding at the end thereof a new subsection as follows: " (g) In addition to the planning grants authorized by subsection (a), the Administrator is further authorized to make grants to organizations composed of public officials whom he finds to be representative of the political jurisdictions within a metropolitan area or urban region for the purpose of assisting such organizations to undertake studies, collect data, develop regional plans and programs, and engage in such other activities as the Administrator finds necessary or desirable for the solution of the metropolitan or regional problems in such areas or regions. To the maximum extent feasible, all grants under this subsection shall be for activities relating to all the developmental aspects of the total metropolitan area or urban region, including, but not limited to, land use, transportation, housing, economic development, natural resources development, community facilities, and the