Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 79.djvu/57

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PUBLIC LAW 89-000—MMMM. DD, 1965

79 STAT.]

PUBLIC LAW 89-4-MAR. 9, 1965


(b) Not to exceed $6,000,000 of the funds authorized in section 401 of this Act shall be available to carry out this section. AMENDMENTS TO H O U S I N G ACT OF 1954

SEC. 213. (a) Section 701(a) of the Housing Act of 1954 (40 U.S.C. 461(a)) is amended by striking the word "and" at the end of para- 78^stat%q2^793 graph (7), by substituting for the period at the end of paragraph (8) the phrase "; and", and by adding a new paragraph (9) to read as follows: "(9) the Appalachian Kegional Commission, established by the Appalachian Regional Development Act of 1965, for comprehensive planning for the Appalachian region as defined by section 403 of such Act." (b) Section 701(b) of the Housing Act of 1954 (40 U.S.C. 461 (b)), is amended by adding before the period at the end of the first sentence the following: ", to States participating in planning for Appalachian regional programs, for expenses incurred in the course of such planning, or to the Appalachian Regional Commission". S U P P L E M E N T S TO FEDERAL G R A N T - I N - A I D PROGRAMS

SEC. 214. (a) I n order to enable the people, States, and local communities of the region, including local development districts, to take maximum advantage of Federal grant-in-aid programs (as hereinafter defined) for which they are eligible but for which, because of their economic situation, they cannot supply the required matching share, the Secretary of Commerce is authorized, pursuant to specific recommendations of the Commission approved by him and after consultation with the appropriate Federal officials, to allocate funds appropriated to carry out this section to the heads of the departments, agencies, and instrumentalities of the Federal Government responsible for the administration of such Federal grant-in-aid programs. Funds so allocated shall be used for the sole purpose of increasing the Federal contribution to projects under such programs above the fixed maximum portion of the cost of such project otherwise authorized by the applicable law. Funds shall be so allocated for Federal grant-in-aid programs for which funds are available under the Act authorizing such programs. Such allocations shall be available without regard to any appropriation authorization ceilings in such Act. (b) The Federal portion of such costs shall not be increased in excess of the percentages established by regulations promulgated by the Secretary of Commerce, and such regulations shall in no event authorize the Federal portion of such costs to exceed 80 per centum thereof. (c) The term "Federal grant-in-aid programs" as used in this section means those Federal grant-in-aid programs authorized by this Act for the construction or equipment of facilities, and all other Federal grant-in-aid programs authorized on or before the effective date of this Act by Acts other than this Act for the acquisition of land and the construction or equipment of facilities, including but not limited to grant-in-aid programs authorized by the following Acts: Federal Water Pollution Control Act; Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention Act; title VI of the Public Health Service Act; Vocational Education Act of 1963; Library Services Act; Federal Airport Act; part IV of title III of the Communications Act of 1934; Higher Education Facilities Act of 1963; Land and Water Conservation Fund Act of 1965; National Defense Education Act of 1958. The term shall not include (A) the program for the construction of the development highway system authorized by section 201

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jg^usc^iooi""'^' note; 42 USC 291; 20 USC 35 note. iiornlte;^4'7 USC 390-397; 20 USC 4°o«-4*n;Je;;"^^ 20 USC 401 note.