Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 79.djvu/737

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[79 STAT. 697]
PUBLIC LAW 89-000—MMMM. DD, 1965
[79 STAT. 697]

79 STAT. ]

PUBLIC LAW 89-183-SEPT. 14, 1965

jurisdiction of the person of the spouse. The time for renunciation by a spouse may be extended before its expiration by an order of the Probate Court for successive periods of not more than six months each upon petition showing reasonable cause and on notice given to the personal representative and to the other persons herein referred to in such manner as the Probate Court directs. (d) Where a decedent has not made a devise or bequest to the spouse, or nothing passes by a purported devise or bequest, the surviving spouse is entitled to his legal share of the real and personal estate of the deceased spouse without filing a written renunciation, but may, instead, elect to take dower as provided by subsection (b) of this section. (e) The legal share of a surviving spouse under subsection (a) or (d) of this section is such share or interest in the real or personal property of the deceased spouse, including dower if elected in lieu of the legal share in the real estate, as he would have taken if the deceased spouse had died intestate, not to exceed one-half of the net estate bequeathed and devised by the will, or, if dower is elected, onehalf of the net personal property bequeathed and dower in the real estate devised. (f) A valid antenuptial or postnuptial agreement entered into by the spouses determines the rights of the surviving spouse in the real and personal estate of the deceased spouse and the administration thereof, but a spouse may accept the benefits of a devise or bequest made to him by the deceased spouse. § 19-114. Rights of surviving spouse if there is no renunciation A surviving spouse who does not renounce as provided by section 19-113 is entitled to the benefit of all provisions in his favor in the will of the deceased spouse and shall share, in accordance with sections 19-301, 19-302, 19-303,19-304, and 20-1901, in any estate of the deceased spouse undisposed of by the will. CHAPTER 3—INTESTATES' ESTATES Sec. 39-301. 1&-302. 19-303. 19-304. 19-305. 19-306. 19-307. 19-308. 19-309. 19-310. 19-311. 19-312. 19-313. 19-314. 19-315. 19-316. 19-317. 19-318. 19-319. 19-320.

Course of descents generally. When surviving spouse entitled to whole. When surviving spouse entitled to one-third. When surviving spouse entitled to one-half. Distribution of surplus after payment to surviving spouse. Children to share equally. Grandchildren's share. Share of father and mother. Share of brother or sister or their descendants. Brothers and sisters to share equally. Share of collateral relations. Share of grandfather and grandmother. Death of distributee before distribution. Share of posthumous children. No distinction between whole- and half-blood. Share of illegitimate children; their issue; mother. Trust estates. Antenuptial children. Advancements. Felonious homicide as barring inheritance; insurance policies; bona fide purchasers. 19-321. Descent through alien ancestor no bar.

§ 19-301. Course of descents generally (a) The real estate in the District of Columbia, of a deceased person, male or female, if not devised, shall descend in fee simple, and the surplus of the personal estate of a deceased resident of the District, if not bequeathed, shall be distributed, to the surviving spouse, children, and other persons in the manner provided by this chapter. The 49-850 0-66—47