Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 79.djvu/866

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[79 STAT. 826]
PUBLIC LAW 89-000—MMMM. DD, 1965
[79 STAT. 826]

PUBLIC LAW 89-195-SEPT. 21, 1965


Hunting and fishing provisions.




boundaries shall encompass an area as nearly as practicable identical to the area described in section 1 of this Act. SEC. 5. The Secretary shall permit hunting and fishing on land and waters under his control withm the seashore in accordance with the appropriate State laws, to the extent applicable, except that the Secretary may designate zones where, and establish periods when, no hunting or fishing shall be permitted for reasons of public safety, administration, fish or wildlife management or public use and enjoyment: Provided, That nothing in this Act shall limit or interfere with the authority of the States to permit or to regulate shellfishing in any waters included in the national seashore: Provided further, That nothing in this Act shall add to or limit the authority of the Federal Government in its administration of Federal laws regulating migratory waterfowl. Except in emergencies, any regulations of the Secretary pursuant to this section shall be put into effect only after consultation with the appropriate State agency responsible for hunting and fishing activities. The provisions of this section shall not apply to the Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge. SEC. 6. (a) Except as provided in subsection (b) of this section, the Secretary shall administer the Assateague Island National Seashore for general purposes of public outdoor recreation, including conservation of natural features contributing to public enjoyment. I n the administration of the seashore and the administrative site the Secretary may utilize such statutory authorities relating to areas administered and supervised by the Secretary through the National Park Service and such statutory authority otherwise available to him for the conservation and management of natural resources as he deems appropriate to carry out the purposes of this Act. (b) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, land and waters in the Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge, which are a )art of the seashore, shall be administered for refuge purposes under aws and regulations applicable to national wildlife refuges, including administration for public recreation uses in accordance with the provisions of the Act of September 28, 1962 (Public Law 87-714; 76 Stat. 653). SEC. 7. (a) I n order that suitable overnight and other public accommodations on Assateague Island will be provided for visitors to the seashore, the Secretary shall select and set aside one or more parcels of land in Maryland having a suitable elevation in the area south of the island terminus of the Sandy Point-Assateague Island Bridge, the total of which shall not exceed six hundred acres, and the public use area on the Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge now operated by the Chincoteague-Assateague Bridge and Beach Authority of the Commonwealth of Virginia, and shall provide or allow the provision of such land fill within the areas selected as he deems necessary to permit and protect permanent construction work thereon: Provided, That the United States shall not be liable for any damage that may be incurred by persons interested therein by reason of the inadequacy of the fill for the structures erected thereon. (b) Within the areas designated under subsection (a) of this section the Secretary shall permit the construction by private persons of suitable overnight and other public accommodations for visitors to the seashore under such terms and conditions as he deems necessary in the public interest and in accordance with the laws relating to concessions within the national park system. (c) The site of any facility constructed under authority of this section shall remain the property of the United States. Each privately constructed concession facility, whether within or outside of an area designated under subsection (a) of this section, shall be

{ 16 USC 460k460k-4. Public accommodations.
