Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 79.djvu/974

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[79 STAT. 934]
PUBLIC LAW 89-000—MMMM. DD, 1965
[79 STAT. 934]



PUBLIC LAW 89-241-OCT. 7, 1965

p. 939.

76 Stat. 73. Post,

p. 950.

64 Stat. 261.

[79 STAT.

(2) as having been proclaimed by the President as being required or appropriate to carry out foreign tmde agreements to which the United States is a party. (c) The changes in part 2 of the Appendix to the Tariff Schedules of the United States made by section 30 of this Act shall be treated— (1) as not having the status of statutory provisions enacted by the Congress, but (2) as having been proclaimed by the President pursuant to paragraph (2) of section 102 of the Tariff Classification Act of 1962 (19 U.S.C. sec. 1202 note). (d) The changes in part 3 of the Appendix to the Tariff Schedules of the United States made by section 88 of this Act shall be treated— (1) as not having the Status of statutory provisions enacted by the Congress, but (2) as having been proclaimed by the President pursuant to section 22 of the Agricultural Adjustment Act, as amended (7 U.S.C. sec. 624). SEC. 4. CONTAINERS NOT IMPORTED EMPTY.

19 USC 1202.

The first sentence of subparagraph (i) of general headnote 6(b) (p. 12) is amended to read as follows: "The usual or ordinary types of shipping or transportation containers or holders, if not designed for, or capable of, reuse, and containers of usual types ordinarily sold at retail with their contents, are not subject to treatment as imported articles." SEC. 5. GRAPE JUICE.

Item 165.40 (p. 64) is amended by striking out "9^ per gal." and inserting in lieu thereof "500 per gal.", and by striking out "70^ per gal." and inserting in lieu thereof "$1 per gal.".

SEC. 6 EDIBLE PREPARATIONS, ANIMAL FEEDS, AND INGREDIENTS . THEREFOR. (a) EDIBLE PREPARATIONS.—Headnote 3 for schedule 1, part 15, subpart B (p. 78) is amended by inserting before the period at the end thereof the following: ", but such term does not include any substance provided for in schedule 4 (except part 2E thereof) or schedule 5 (except part I K thereof)". (b) ANIMAL FEEDS.—Headnote 1(a) for schedule 1, part 15, subpart C (p. 79) is amended by inserting after "respectively" the following: ", but such term does not include any product provided for in schedule 4 (except part 2E thereof) or schedule 5 (except part I K thereof)". SEC. 7. WILD RICE.

Schedule 1, part 15, subpart B is amended by inserting after item 182.58 (p. T8) the following new item: " I 182.70 I Wild rice, crude or processed

| 5 % a d val. | 1 0 % ad val. | "


Item 192.05 (p. 83) is amended by striking out "Carrageen," and inserting in lieu thereof "Seaweeds,". SEC. 9. FLORIST ARTICLES.

Item 192.20 (p. 84) is amended to read as follows: 192.20

Cut flowers, fresh; bouquets, wreaths, sprays, or similar articles made from such flowers or other fresh plant parts | 10% ad val.

40% ad val.