Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 8.djvu/246

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234 TREATY WITH SWEDEN. 1816. charge, whatsoever, higher or other than those to which the same articles would be subjected if they were exported to any other country whatever. _ No I,,,,;,;],,,,;,,,, Nor shall any prohibition be imposed on the exportation or imports. onpxpormticn tion of any article, the growth, produce, or manufacture, of the terri-

`hl';',f‘:,:e?Q‘;,‘:,, tories of his Majesty the King of Sweden and Norway, or of the United

extend to an States, to or from the said territories of his Majesty the King of Sweden other nations. and Norway, or to or from the said United States, which shall not equally extend to all other nations. E ,,,;,,,,,0,, Swedish or Norwegian vessels arriving in ballast, or importing into ofrliutiesasto the United States the Produce or manufactures of their countries, or

 gg2s;}:;,';?, exporting from the United States the produce or manufactures of said

,,,,,5,,,, ,g,,,,_ States, shall not be obliged to pay, either for the vessels or the cargoes, any other or higher duties, imposts, or charges, whatsoever, than those which the vessels of the United States would pay in the same circumstances; and, vice versa, the vessels of the United States, arriving in ballast, or importing into the territories under the dominion of his Majesty the King of Sweden and Norway, the produce or manufactures of the United States, or exporting from the territories under the dominion of his Majesty the King of Sweden and Norway, the produce or manufacture of these territories, shall not pay, either for the vessels or the cargoes, any other or higher duties, imposts, or charges, whatsoever, than those which would be paid if these articles were transported by Swedish or Norwegian vessels, respectively. E ualization That which is here above stipulated, shall also extend to the Swedish 0f duties °¤· colony of St. Barthelemy, as well in what relates to the rights and g,';,'}:? :,‘,’-ug; advantages which the vessels of the United States shall enjoy in its Bartholomcws. ports, as in relation to those which the vessels of the colony shall enjoy in the ports of the United States, provided the owners are inhabitants of St. Barthelemy, and there established and naturalized, and shall have there caused their vessels to be naturalized. .S.T::éz::§°*° ’*R“"LE 3* ` His Majesty the King of Sweden and Norway, agrees that all articles, the growth, produce, or manufacture, of the West Indies, which are permitted to be imported in Swedish or Norwegian vessels, whether these articles be imported, directly or indirectly, from said Indies, may likewise be imported into its territories in vessels of the United States, and there shall not be paid, either for the said vessels or the cargoes, any higher or other duties, imposts, or charges, whatsoever, than those which would be paid by Swedish or Norwegian vessels in the same circumstances, with an addition only of ten per centum on the said duties, imposts, and charges, and no more. In order to avoid misapprehension in this respect, it is expressly declared, that the term “West Indies" ought to be taken in its most extensive sense, comprising all that portion of the earth, whether main land ori islands, which at any time has been denominated the West Indies, in contradistinction to that other portion of the earth denominated the East Indies. (’ This article ARTICLE 4. * mi mm°d') The United States of America, on their part, agree, that all articles, the growth, produce, or manufacture, of the countries surrounding the Baltic sea, or bordering thereon, which are permitted to be imported in vessels of the United States, whether these articles be imported, directly or mdrrectly, from the Baltic, may likewise be imported into the United States in Swedish or Norwegian vessels; and there shall not then be