Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 8.djvu/328

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316 CONVENTION WITH COLOMBIA. 1824. whence the ship sailed, in the accustomed form; without which requi. sites, said vessel may be detained to be adjudged by the competent tribunal, and may be declared legal prize, unless the said defect shall be satisfied or supplied by testimony entirely equivalent. ARTICLE 20th. Stipulations It is further agreed, that the stipulations above expressed relative to ¥§l?tiV¢ *0 *16 the visiting and examination of vessels, shall apply only to those which Qglzijjzggiy sail without convoy; and when said vessels shall be under convoy, the onlyiw time verbal declaration of the commander of the convoy, on his word of which ¤¤llWi¤h· honour, that the vessels under his protection belong to the nation whose °“° °°"°Y‘ flag he carries—and when they are bound to anmenemy’s port, that they have no contraband goods on board, shall be su cient. ARTICLE 21st. Prize courts It is further a reed, that in all cases the established courts for rize ¤l<>¤€ *0 take causes, in the co€1ntry to which the prizes may be conducted, shall Slam; gxzlzlgggsf take cognizance of them. And whenever such tribunal of either party shall pronounce judgment against any vessel or goods, or property claimed by the citizens of the other party, the sentence or decree shall men tion the reasons or motives on which the same shall have been founded, and an authenticated copy of the sentence or decree, and of all the proceedings in the case, shall, if demanded, be delivered to the commander or agent of said vessel, without any delay, he paying the legal fees for the same. ARTICLE 22d. No citizen of Whenever one of the contracting arties shall be en a ed in war with ¤i¢l1¤¤‘ ¤€`¤h¢ another State, no citizen of the other contracting pail)? shall accept a agztgmnfcggg commission, or letter of marque, for the purpose of assisting or co-ope- Leomrnission, ratgng irostilely, {with the said! enemy, against the said party so at war, ¢‘- un er the pain 0 being treate as a pirate. ARTICLE 23d. g;,, ,,,0,,,;,,, aj, It, by any fatality which cannot be expected, and which God forbid, towed to mer- the two contracting parties should be engaged in a war with each other, ztlgjlgif ,;;,3 they have agreed, and do agree, now for then, that there shall be allowed me two ,,,,,.,,6S the term of six months to the merchants residing on the coasts and in slrould_bs en- the ports of each other; and the term of one year to those who dwell in €°B°d “' "'“'· the interior, to arrange their business and transport their effects wherever they please, ggng to them the safe poiiilduct necessary for it, which may serve as a su cient protection unti the arrive at the desi nated ort. The citizens of all other occupations vyho may be establighed inpthe territories or dominions of the United States and of the Republic of Colombia, shall be respected and maintained in the full enjoyment of their personal liberty and property, unless their particular conduct shall ckause them to forfeit this protection, whlich in consideration of humanity t e contracting parties engage to give them. ARTICLE 24th. Debts 0g;,,,],, Neither the debts due from individuals of the one nation to the individunls, in any viduals of the other, nor shares, nor moneys, which they may have in

‘;':;‘{)f°"g:'[· public funds, nor in public or private banks, shall ever, in any event of

,,,,B,,,,,°d_ war, or of national dilference, be sequestered or confiscated. ARTICLE 25th. · Botlrthe contracting parties being desirous of avoiding all inequality in relation to their public communications and official intercourse, have agreed, and do agree, to grant to the envoys, ministers, and other public