Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 8.djvu/362

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350 TREATY WITH SWEDEN. 1827. N¤ P¤>Y¤f¢¤9¤ acting in its name, or under its authority, any preference to importa-

2 zifigggdgs tions made in its own vessels, or in those of a third Power, over those

tadons. P made in the vessels of the other contracting party. ARTICLE VIII. No tonnage The two high contracting parties engage not to impose upon the naviduties to beim· gation between their respective territories, m the vessels of either, any P°¤°d» °¤°°Pi· tonnage or other duties of any kind or denomination, which shall be &'°' higher, or other than those which shall be imposed on every other navigation, except that which they have reserved to themselves, respectively, by the sixth article of the present treaty. ARTICLE IX. No ,.,,,,,,-;,,,5,,,, There shall not be established, in the United States of America, upon to be imposed. the products of the soil or industry of the kingdoms of Sweden and 3YO‘2‘?;’g’1_‘:;‘Y· Norway, or of the island of St. Bartholomews, any prohibition or rengm of 5,,,,,,],. striction of importation or exportation, nor any duties of any kind or ducts c!' the denomination whatsoever, unless such prohibitions, restrictions, and du- ’°‘l· ties, shall, likewise, be established upon articles of like nature, the growth of any other country. And, reciprocally, there shall not be established in the Kingdoms of Sweden and Norway, nor in the Island of St. Bartholomews, on the products of the soil or industry of the United States of America, any prohibition or restriction of importation or exportation, nor any duties of any kind or denomination whatsoever, unless such prohibitions, restrictions, and duties, be likewise established upon articles of like nature, the growth of the Island of St. Bartholomew, or of any other place, in case such importation be made into, or from, the Kingdoms of Sweden and Norway; or of the Kingdoms of Sweden and Norway or of any other place, in case such importation or exportation be made into, or from, the Island of St. Bartholomew. ARTICLE X. Au pyivilgggg All privileges of transit, and all bounties and drawbacks which may of transit, draw- be allowed within the territories of one of the high contracting parties

&¤f‘·°·‘° b° upon the importation or exportation of any article whatsoever, shall

' likewise, be allowed on the articles of like nature, the products of the soil or industry of the other contracting party, and on the importations and exportations made in its vessels. ARTICLE XI. vamp, e,,,,,,. The citizens or subjects ot one of the high contracting parties, ing sport, and arriving with their vessels on the coasts belonging to the other, but not §:{0‘:Th;:gy‘° wishing to enter the port, or after having entered therein, not wishing de,,,,,.,Q,,,m,Ou, to unload any part of their cargo, shall be at liberty to depart and congaying any du- tmue their voyage, without paying any other duties, imposts, or charges, £c“·°*h°I’h°“ whatsoever, for the vessel and cargo, than those of pilotage, wharfage ' and for the support of light-houses, when such duties shall be levied or national vessels in similar cases. It is understood, however, that they shall always conform to such regulations and ordinances concerning. navigation, and the places and ports which they may enter, as are, 01 shall be, in force with regard to national vessels; and that the custom house officers shall be permitted to visit them, to remain on board, and to take all such precautions as may be necessary to prevent all unlawfvr commerce, as long as the vessels shall remain within the limits of their jurisdiction. ARTICLE XII. It is further agreed, that the vessels of one of the high contracting parties, having entered into the ports of the other, will be permitted tc