Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 8.djvu/413

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TREATY WITH AUSTRIA. 1829. 401 the private individuals of their nation are subject in the same place, in respect of their commercial transactions. Anrrcuz XI. The citizens or subjects of each party shall have power Proper! ot to dispose of their personal goods, within the jurisdiction of the other, i¤dlV*d¤°l¤· by testament, donation, or otherwise; and their representatives, being citizens or subjects of the other party, shall succeed to their personal goods, whether by testament, or ab intestate, and may take possession thereof, either by themselves or by others acting for them, and dispose of the same at their will, paying such dues, taxes or charges, only, as the inhabitants of the country wherein the said goods are shall be subject to pay in like cases. And in case of the absence of the representative, such care shall be taken of the said goods, as would be taken of the goods of a native in like case, until the lawful owner may take measures for receiving them. And if any question should arise among several claimants, to which of them said goods belong, the same shall be decided finally by the laws and Judges of the land wherein the said goods are. But this article shall not derogate, in any manner, from the force of the laws already published, or hereafter to be published by His Majesty the Emperor of Austria, to prevent the emigration of his subjects. Arvrrcnm XII. The present treaty shall continue in force for ten years, Duration of counting from the day of the exchange of the ratifications; and if the treaty. twelve months before the expiration of that period, neither of the high contracting parties shall have announced by an official notification to the other, its intention to arrest the operation of said treaty, it shall remain binding for one year beyond that time, and so on, until the expiration of the twelve months which will follow a similar notification whatever the time at which it may take place. Arvrrcrna XIII. This Treaty shall be approved and ratified by the Ratification:. President of the United States, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate thereof; and by His Majesty the Emperor of Austria; and the ratifications shall be exchanged in the City of Washington, within twelve months from the date of the signature hereof, or sooner, if possible. In faith whereof the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed and sealed this treaty, both in the English and German languages, declaring, however, that, it having been originally composed in the former, the English version is to decide the interpretation, should any difference in regard to it unfortunately arise. Done in triplicate, at Washington, this twenty-seventh day of August, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty- nine. M. VAN BUREN, (ras.) L. BARON DE LEDERER, (L. s.) von. vm. 51 29