Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 8.djvu/512

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500 '1`REATY WITH GREECE. 1837. duties or charges, of whatever kind or den0mination,·levied in the name, or to the profit of the Government, the local authorities, or of any private establishments whatsoever. ARTICLE III. Vessels or All that may be lawfully imported into the United States of America, U·$; magim- in vessels of the said States, may also be thereinto imported in Greek ${::;:;,6;::: vessels, from whatever place they may come, without payrng other or vemxs may, higher duties or charges, of whatever kind or denomination, levied in 6*-¤· the name, or to the profit of the Government, the. local authorities, or of any private establishments whatsoever, than if imported in national vessels. ,;,,0;,,,,,,,,,; ,,_, fA}nd reciprogallylzall thait may bellawlfullyhimpoitecl into php Kingdom to Greek vas- 0 reece, 1D ree vesse s, may a so e therem o impor e in vesse s '°l“~ of the United States of America, from whatever place they may come, without paying other ior higher duties or charges, of whatever kind or denomination, levied in the name, or to the profit of the Government, the local authorities, or of any private establishments whatsoever, than if imported in national vessels. ARTICLE IV. v All that ma be Iawfull ex rted from the United States of America, essels of _ Y _ Y P° _ U. S. may ex- in vessels of the said States, may also be exported therefrom in Greek lE’;;8*;":'ha,_ vessels, without paying other or higher duties or charges, of whatever 8,,,,, gw6k,,,, kind or denomination, levied rn the name or to the profit of the Governnets may, &.c. ment, the local authorities or of any private establishments whatsoever, than if exported in national vessels. R,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,, And reciprocally, all that may be lawfully exported from the Kingdom to Greek vas- of Greece, in Greek vessels, may also be exported therefrom rn vessels '°l’“‘ U- S- of the United States of America, without paying other or higher duties or charges of whatever kind or denomination, levied in the name, or to the rofit of the Government the local authorities or of an rivate P. · . . . · Y P establishments whatsoever, than of exported m national vessels. ARTICLE V. (3,,,,,;,,3 ,,,,,3,, It is expressly understood, that the foregoing second, third, and fourth excepted. articles are not applicable to the coastwise navigation from one port of the United States of America, to another port of the said States, nor to the navigation of one port of the Kingdom of Greece, to another port of the said Kingdom; which navigation each of the two high contracting parties reserves to itself ARTICLE VI. .."°‘.i£‘.€'£;"’ ,m£i°h.Zf.Ei"E.I°1?.rf.?*$.§$`iI".Z§°f§'l*`EEET5a$’“§’%‘E3..'L`1Z.¥Z.gZT“§Q.?Zri§“ 8 as c . , P’°I‘:"°“°° In actin in its name, or under its authorit an reference to importations ns purchases g- · - y’ y·p P ’ made in its own vessels or in those of a third ower over those made dsc. _ » _ P ¤ ru the vessels of the other contracting party. ARTICLE VII. No other or The two high contracting parties engage not to impose upon .he navil,:'o¢l*°¥` dméss *0 gation between their respective territories in the vessels of either, any .e,:{°g2gt° ’°x' tonnage or other duties of any kind, or denomination, which shall be `higher or other than those which shall be imposed on every other navigation, except that which they have reserved to themselves, respectively. by the fifth article of the present treaty.