Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 8.djvu/583

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CONVENTION WITH PERU. 1841. 571 value as those now coined at the mint in Lima, and the annual pay· ments, as well as the accruing interest, may be exported from Peru, free of all duty whatever. ARTICLE V. There shall not be demanded of the Government of Peru, any other No farther payment or indemnilication, on account of any claim of the citizens of d¤m¤¤d {0* the United States, that was presented to it by Samuel Larned esquire, g:fL";?{g’:,‘;i when Charge d’AiTaires of the United States, near Peru. But the ` claims subsequent to those presented by Mr. Larned to the Government of Peru, shall be examined and acted upon hereafter. ARTICLE VI. It is further agreed, that the Peruvian Government shall have the Oprionai with option of paying each annual instalment, when it is due, with orders on P°¤’¤*°P¤Y with the custom-house at Callao, which shall be endorsable in sums of any Q’;$’:0°:,';,°*;` amount, and receivable in the Treasury, as cash, in payment of duties Callac. on importations of all kinds; and the orders shall be given in such a manner as, that in case similar orders shall be at a discount in the market, the full value of each annual payment shall be secured and made good to the United States, as though it had been paid in cash, at the time of its falling due; and any loss occasioned by discount, or delay in the collection, shall be borne and made good by the Peruvian Government. ARTICLE VII. This Convention shall be ratified by the contracting parties, and the _To be mined ratifications shall be exchanged within two years from its date, or sooner, m “V° Y°°"·- if possible, after having been approved by the President and Senate of the United States, and by the Congress of Peru. In witness whereof, the respective Commissioners hare signed the same, and aHixed thereto their seals. Done in triplicate at the city of Lima, this seventeenth day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty-one. J. C. PICKETT, (1.. s.) MANUEL DEL RIO, {1.. s.)