Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 8.djvu/60

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JS TREATY WITH THE NETHERLANDS. 1782. it; and the omission of such expression cannot and ought not to cause a confiscation. ARTICLE XXVI. How ships and If the vessells of the said subjects or inhabitants of either of the parv¤¤¤¤l¤ M iv ties, sailing along the coasts or on the high seas, are met by a vesse]1 of b‘j,“°“‘°‘,I·b war, or privateer, or other armed vessell of the other party, the said dhigldiuivaiyor vessells of war, privateers, or armed vessells, for avoiding all disorder, P¤‘iV¤¤¤¢¥¤· shall remain without the reach of cannon, but may send their boats on board the merchant vessel, which they shall meet in this manner, upon which they may not pass more than two or three men, to whom the master or commander shall exhibit his passport, containing the property of the vessell, according to the form annexed to this treaty: And the vessell, after having exhibited such a passport, sea-letter and other documents, shall be free to continue her voyage, so that it shall not be lawfull to molest her, or search her in any manner, nor to give her chase nor to force her to alter her course. ARTICLE XXVII. Lawfulfor It shall be lawfull for merchants, captains and commanders of vesm¤r¤¤¤¤:,;¤¤<1 sells, whether public and of war, or private and of merchants, belonging $:2:}:2, ,;'k;f to the said United States of America, or any of them, or to their subinto theirser. jects and inhabitants, to take freely into their service, and receive on I3 ¤3]¤m¤{)¤ board of their vessells, in any port or place in the jurisdiction of Itheir longgngweige, High Mrghtinesses aforesaid, seamen or others, natives or inhabitants {muon. of any of the said states, upon such conditions as they shall agree on, without being subject for this, to any fine, penalty, punishment, process or reprehension whatsoever. And reciprocall y, all merchants, captains and commanders, belonging to the said United Netherlands, shall enjoy, in all the ports and places under the obedience of the said United States of America, the same priviledge of engaging and receiving seamen or others, natives or inhabitants of any country of the domination of the said States General: Provided, that neither on one side nor the other, they may not take into their service such of their countrymen who have already engaged in the service of the other party contracting, whether in war or trade, and whether they meet them by land or sea; at least if the captains or masters under the command of whom such persons may be found, will not of his own consent discharge them from their service; upon pain of being otherwise treated and punished as deserters. ARTICLE XXVIII. The aH'air of the refraction shall be regulated in all equity and justice, by the magistrates of cities respectively, where it shall be judged that there is any room to complain in this respect. ARTICLE XXIX. R¤i6¤¤li¤¤- The present treaty shall be ratified and approved by their High Mightinesses the States General of the United Netherlands, and by the United States of America; and the acts of ratilication shall be delivered