Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 8.djvu/642

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Great Britain.

Vessels of the United States must not touch at St. Helena, 231

Note of the cessation of this restriction on the 30th July, 1831, 231

Arrangement between the United States and Great Britain relative to the Naval Force of the United States and Great Britain on the Lakes. April 28, 1817, 231

Naval Force on the Lakes, 231

Lake Ontario, 231

Upper Lakes, 231

Lake Champlain,231

Other vessels to be dismantled, 231

Stipulations may cease on six months' notice, 231

Naval force to be restricted so as not to interfere with the proper duties of the armed vessels of the other party, 231

Convention with Great Britain. October 20, 1818, 248

Article 1. Definition of the extent of the common right of fishing, &c., on the coast of the British dominions in America. Exception as to the Hudson Bay Company. Renunciation by the United States as to other fisheries, with exceptions, 248

Art. 2. Definition of the northern boundary of the United States from the Lake of the Woods to the Stony Mountain, 249

Art. 3. Country claimed by either party westward of the Stony Mountains to be free to both parties till October 20, 1828, 249

Art. 4. Convention of London of July 3d, 1815, continued for ten years, 249

Art. 5. Reference to first article of treaty of Ghent. Claims for slaves under the first article of treaty of Ghent. Differences growing out of the claim for slaves to be referred to some friendly sovereign or state, 249

Art. 6. The convention obligatory on exchange of ratifications, 249

Decision of the Commissioners under the Sixth Article of the Treaty of Ghent. June 18, 1822, 274

Boundary of the United States to be established, 274

Description of the boundary of the United States, 274

Islands, 276

Treaty with Great Britain. July 12, 1822, 282

Award of his Majesty the Emperor of all the Russias, under the fifth article of the Convention of October 20, 1818, 282

Plenipotentiarics of Russia, United States,and Great Britain, 284 Article 1. Agreement of the plenipotentiaries. Arbitrators and commissioners to be ap. pointed to meet in the city of Washington. Oath or affirmation to be taken in the presence of each other. Vacancies to be filled up, 284

Art. 2. If an average value of each slave be not agreed upon as compensation, commissioners and arbitrators shall fix an average value. In case they do not agree the evidence, &c., shall be submitted to the minister of the mediating power; his decision to be final, 286

Art. 3. Two commissioners to constitute a board for the examination of claims. His Britannic Majesty to cause evidence of the number of slaves carried away to be produced, 286 286

Art. 4. The two commissioners to examine and determine claims, 286

Art. 5. If the commissioners shall not agree in any case, they shall draw by lot the name of one of the arbitrators. Final decision to be given, 288

Art. 6. The decision of the commissioners shall be binding. His Britannic Majesty agrees to pay the sums awarded in specie, 288

Art. 7. Payments for the commissioners and arbitrators, 288

Art. 8. Certified copies of this convention to be delivered to the minister of the mediating power, 288

Documents referred to in the treaty, 290

Letter: Count Nesselrode to Mr. Middleton.

April 22, 1822, 290

Award of the Emperor of Russia. April 22, 1822, 292

Letter: Count Nesselrode to Mr. Middleton. April 27, 1822, 294

Convention with Great Britain. August 6, 1827, 360

Article 1. Third article of convention of 3d of October 1818, relative to the territory westward of the Stony Mountains, indefinitely extended, 360

Art. 2. Convention may be annulled on due notice of twelve months by either party, 360

Art. 3. Certain claims not to be affected by this treaty, 360

Renewal of commercial convention with Great Britain. Aug. 6, 1827, 361

Article 1. Provisions of the convention of 3d July 1815, further continued for ten years, 361

Art. 2. Either party, at any time after ten years, may abrogate this convention, giving twelve months' notice, 362

Convention between the United States and Great Britain. Sept. 29, 1827, 362

Article 1. Reference of differences as to the boundary between American and British dominions to a friendly power, 363

Art. 2. Statements of the respective cases to be drawn up, 363

Art. 3. Each of the contracting parties shall communicate to the other the evidence to be offered, 363

Art. 4. Maps to be annexed to the statements, 364

Art. 5. Statements, &c. to be delivered to the arbitrating power within two years, 364