Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 8.djvu/653

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INDEX. 641 Sweden. i Sweden. Art. 12. Vessels shall exhibit their sea-letters extended to the colony of St. Bartholound passports. No contraband muy pass, mcws, ...·-- 232 68 Art. 3. Not ratified, ...- 234 Art. 13. Mode of proceeding if contraband Art. 4. Not ratified, 234 goods are dtscovercu, - - ·_ 58 Art. 5. Consuls, &,c. Proceedings against Art. 14. Goods found in an euemy’s ship lm- consuls, &,c., offending against the laws. ble to be confiscated, unless put on board Archives, &.c., of the consulate to be invio. before the declaration of wa,r, or within six late. Cousuls and their deputies to havc months, -·-- · - - 68 the right to act as judges, &.c. Limitation Art. 15. Vessels of war and prnvatccrs shall of the right. Right reserved to the parties do no injury; if they do, punishment and under consular decisions, . . 236 restitution, ----- 70 Art. 6. Not ratified, --.. 236 Art. 16. Persons fitting out privnteers to be Art. 7. Vessels and cargoes may enter ports, answerable by bonds for damages, - 70 &,c., on paying pilotagc, &c. Limitation Art. 17. Rccaptured vessels, - - 70 of this privilege, ---- 238 Art. 18. Regulations in case both nations Art. 8. Vessels may land put of their carshould be at wor with n common enem7y, goes, and proceed with the remainder, on 0 paying a. portion of the duties, &c. Ex- Art. 19. Ships of war and privatecrs may ception as to vessels, . - . 238 bring prizes into the ports of either party, Art. 9. Rights und privileges of entrepéts, 238 72 Art. 10. Regulations in case of shipwreck, Art. 20. In cose of shipwreck, relief to be 238 given, ·--.-. 72 Art. ll. Quarantine regulations, . 238 Art.2l. Vessels forced in by stress ofweuther, Art. 12. The treaty of Paris, concluded in 72 1783, revived in part. Exception as to the Art. 22. In casa of war, nine months to be effect of the revival of tho treaty of 1783 in allowed to citizens and subjects to ell and relation to other powers, - . - 240 transport their eifects, · . . 74 Art. 13. Stipulations concerning blockadcs, Art. 23. Citizens of nehhcr party to take 240 commissions or letters of marque to serve Art. 14. This treaty to endure for eight years against the other, -... 74 after the exchange of ramifications, - 240 Art. 24. Vessels arriving on the coast of _ emm. party. how to bg hung. ,, 74 Treaty with Sweden and Norway. July 4th, Art. 25. How ships are to be treated if met 1827. -•--·· 346 by ships of wm', · - - j 74 Article 1. Navigation and commerce, · 346 Art- 26- Ccnsuls. &°-» to be ¤ll0W°d m {lm Art. 2. Swedish and Norwegian vessels, 5:.4:,, ports of each nation. - - - 74 to be treated as national vessels. Recipro- Art. 27. Ratiiications, · . - 76 cugusllo American vcssels, · · g46 · _ _ _ _ Art. . m orts, - - - · - 48 S‘?‘"“" ‘"‘{‘Z‘* 76 Ari. 4. Exlmzs, . us S”P°"“t° A"`i'd“· Art. 5. Stipulutions to be applicable to Amo- Article 1. The King of Sweden to protect rioan vessels proceeding to St. Burtholo. vessels and effects of citizens of the United mews, ·--·-· 348 States, ----·· 76 Art. 6. Not applicable to coastwise navigation, Art. 2. The United States to protect vessel! 348 and eH`ects of subjects of Sweden, - 76 Art. 7. No preference mba granted in regard Art. 3. In case of wax nt sca, ships of war to to importntions, ···- 348 protect and assist vessels of each nation, Art. 8. Tonnage duty, - - - 350 76 Art. 9. No restriction 00 be imposed by either Art. 4. Regulations to transact business, by party upon importations and the products the citizens or subjects of one purty, in the of the soil, ---· · 350 dominions of the other, - · · 78 Art. 10. All privileges of tmnsit, drawback, Art. 5. No vessel to be searched, unless in &,c., to be mutual, --·· 350 case of fraud. Regulations in such cases, Art. 11. Vessels entering a port, and not 78 wishing to unload, not to pay duties? $50 ,1 Art. 12. Vessels unloadin a. rt o cir Treaty with Sweden. September 4, 1816, 2¤2 cargoes, mt ,0 Pay duuegm tg; remainder, Article 1. Reciprocal liberty of commerce. _ _ 350 Complete security of merchants and traders, Art. 13. Consuls, &c., be adrnxtted into the 232 ports of the contracting parties. Consuls, Art. 2. No other or higher duties, &c., than &.c., to act as arbitrators in certain cases, the same articles would be subjected to, if _ 3:52 they were the production or manufacture Art. 14. Qonsuls, &,c., authorized tri require of any other country. No prohibition on the assistance of the local authontxeq. Do cxportations orinnportations which docs not sertcrs to be placed at the dxsuo xtxon of extend to all other nations. Equalization the Consuls, &,c. Proceedings m casa of of duties as to the vessels and cargoes of crime on the put of the deserter · 352 other nations, &c. Equalization of duties Art. 15. Shipwrecks, .··. 354 81 3 °