Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 8.djvu/661

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GENERAL INDEX. 5 Allis, Randall, to be paid for lends relinquished, &c., from representatives of, and to give vi. 522.· them a. bond, iv. 335, 336. ./Nlotment of Cireuzts by Judges, of supreme Anderson, Captain R., arrearages to be paid to, court., i. 253, 333; ii. 157, 158, 244, 471; v. 695. v. 178, 507. -—-——---·, R. P., to be paid for printing and Allspaeh, David, released as surety of M. Alls- binding, v. 794. puch, vi. 923. —·-—·-—-, Robert, released from a bond by port Alnmn, John, authorized to exchange land, vi. payment, vi. 895. 680. —————, Sarah and Henry, and others, interest Alpuente, Edward, land claim confirmed to, vi. allowed to, vi. 562. 500. ——-—---, William S., to be paid for a horse, vi. -:i——E———,sE:'1:)¢(3cession of lend claim con- 560. rme to, vi. . —-——-—— Lieucenani- Colonel, balance due to, Alston, Joseph I., and another, authorized to to be’paid, iv. 671. collect taxes, vi. 293, 311. Jlndreas, John, preemption allowed to, iv. 57. Altering Public Documents. See Caunterfeiting. Andrews, Abner, increase of pension to, vi. S3. Amazon, The Ship, forfeiture remitted to own- —-——, Amos, pension to, vi. 417. ers of, vi. 122. -·——-—-—, William, pension to, vi. 805. Ambassadors. See Ministers, p. 115. Andrus, Samuel, pension to, vi. SM. suits by and against, i. 18, 80. —..·.--—-, increase of ension to, vi. 84. write against, illegal, i. 117, 118. —-—--, Theodore, pension togvi. 24. assault, &e., on, punished, i. 118. Angel, Sarah, and others, land warrant to issue Ambrism, Michael, land claim confirmed to, vi. to, vi. 749. 788. Anglen, John Van, pension to, vi. 75. dmendgient by Courts, of process and pleadings, Ann. and Hope, Shi];,1’;luties remitted on teas i. . imported in, ii. . American Antiquarian Society, public docu- Annual Reports. See Refarte, p. 146. ment to be presented to, iii. 248. Hntill, Edward, grunt of and to, ii. 712. ——-—— Brig, of Savannah, register allowed dppalaehicala Indians, treaty with, vii. 377, to, vi. 559. 427. -—-—-——- Consul at Landon, allowance to, for Apparel and Baggage, exempt from duties, i. charges, vi. 620. 661; v. 560. -·-——-——· State Papers, appropriation for distri- Appeals, bution of, v. 171, 174. from district to circuit court, i. 79, 83, 84; ·-———— B. C. Foreign. Missions, compensation ii. 244 ; v. 539. _ to, for improvements on Indian lands, iv. cvgacnce may be reduced to writing, i. 89, 791. . ———-—- Vessels, from a district court to zi circuit court of what are entitled to privileges ot, i. 57, another district, iii. 462; v. 177, 210. 287, 305; ii. 210, 296. from e district court sitting as a. circuit provisions on eession of Florida, iii. 660. gggrt to lgzprcmgrgonglg i. 77, 78; iii. Ames, David .6., pension to, vi. 566. ; iv; ‘ 3 v. o , o . _ —-, Robert, pension to, vi. 67. from circuit courts to supreme court, 1. 84, --—, Spafnrd, pension tc, vi. 67. 85 5 ii. 244 ; ui. 461, 482; v. 530. Amistad, The Schooner, register granted to, vi. fr? courts jog ?i;tI1;1ct of golumbm. See 824. istrieto o u ia, p. . Amory, Jonathan, Jr., money paid by, to be when new evidence admitted on, ii._244. -—-—-—, Thomas O., refunded, vi. 214. in cue of a&p1icetions for patents, 1. 322, Anaeasza Bridge Company, _ 323; v. 1 _, _ to be paid for damage to their bridge, vi. 153. in case of odjudications upon land claims, -—--—-·+--¤—••--¤¤-¤--•-•¤•’ act of il'lCOl'pOl'3.· ivn 53, %5’ . U tion of, revived, vi. 375. in camo of custozmhouse apprmsementa, xv. Anderson, Andrew, allowed to enter certain 409; v. 564. _ _ lands, v. 715. from decisions of distrust courts respecting ———, Charles, authorized to exchange land, treasury V{h.f1‘KlltS,111.'596. _ vi. 340. from territorial courts; in Florida, n1_. 752; ———, George, duties to be refunded to, vi. iv. 47, 165, 600; in M1ch.,iv. 80 rm Ar· 411. kan as, 1v._262, {101; generally, u. 338. --—-, James, authorized to enter land, vi. note of decisions, 1. 84._ 925. Apatheeury- General and Jlsszstants, __ ---———-— B., and others, allowance to, opaoingrngnlgggd dutxes,1.721; 11.820; un. Vi. 565. • s _ · ——-———, John, to be paid for house burnt, vi. See also_.Meda¢:al llepertmeht, p. 112. 264. Jppleton, Jbtganl, pension to, vi. 407: --—--—---·—, land of, to be surveyed, and pat- --——-—-—, p¤¤¤¤¤¤ 1'€H¢\Y¤d @0. V1- ents granted to, vi. 506. -—-·-, C. H., _ gdutics to be repaid to, --——-·—-·, Joseph, payment to be credifed. and ---7-, Mazhemel W, · vi. 306: u lend patent issue to, vi. 156. I .»gppoentme1zu,tl;.<;`v;{made; ru. 582. . ‘orse lost v1. . or wnmen e res , 472. ’ Luau, to be Pwd for a h , PP before the first gensus, i. 10, 11, -————-—-, Richard, allowance to widow and under the first census, (1701,) i: 2n.!. children of vi. 631. —--—· second ** (1802,) ii. 128. ·————·—;---;- C., surveyor to receive books, —-—·-—- third “ (IB]],) 11. 669.