Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 8.djvu/672

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16 GENERAL INDEX. Boardman, Elfah, pension to, vi. 24. Boone, Jo/nt, pension to, vi. 653. _ —————, Joliin, authorized to locate and enter Baath, Danzel, l:md_to be released to, vi. 235. ““"" 'EW · ni 4 . ~ 3 HH `Z’“"i.L"iZf$°Ji.E?; .1.. - 528 ·—————-—- nsion owe 0, V1. . or uga co r e v1. . Baden, JGJBGJ, pehgion to, vi. 75. Borey: J0]¢n,rpaltent certificate to be surrendered Bagart,Jl[artha, grunt of land to, ii. 101 ; vi.43. to, vi. 780. Boggs and Thompson, drawbacks allowed to, vi. gown? Edwzard, pension tc, 2.7179. 812, oss asap pension tc, vi. . Bagy, Joseph, to be paid for rations, vi. 487. Baskin, Frigixte, to be rebuilt, ii. 699. ·-—-———--—-, land patent to issue to, vi. 498. é, Solomon, judgment against, discharged, —---·-—--—--, claim oi] for Indian depredations, vi. 42. to be settled, vi. 581, 571. Bostwick, Elnah, allowance to, for costs and —·-—-—-~———-, authorized to locate land, vi. expenditures, vi. 12. 823. -—-————-—-, Melancton W., bond of} to be can- Balwmzan, Stephen, pension to, vi. 638. celled, vi. BOQ. ' Boilers, -—-—-, Oliver, increase of pension to, vi. 83. of stenmbouts to be tested, v. 252, 261, 304. Baszozggh, Jacob, land warrant granted to, vi. improvements in v. 627. .> . Boisgzrvais, James 5}., claim of, to be settled B07l0{lé!;'d, Joseph, debentures to be paid to, vi. und uid, vi. 19.:. - Bales, Agsulom, outliorizcd to surrender land Bmwhcriv, Antony, allowed to obtain a. patent and receive certificate, vi. 548. for manufncturinp sugar, vi. 70. Bolton, Elizabeth, change of name, vi. 528. Baulden, James W., c aim of] to be settled, vi. -—-Eg William Compton, change of name, vi. Bampglzicg Bond, Lncy, allowance to representatives of; vi. begvggein United States and Mexico, iv. 590. . . -—, Mary Ann, authorized to enter land, vi. western boundary of Arkansas, iv. 40. 374. between Arkansas and Louisiana, iv. 276.

, Robert, preemption right granted to, vi. be-tween_United States and British Prov-

527. inces, 1v. 262; v. 402, 413, 485. -5-;; zilliem, pension to, vi. 154. r¤nni:gG:.l;otli;1ehtixcd ércnty of 1842, on , cna, wi n. rn n,v. . judgment in equity on, i. 87.. _ expense cnlnepotiations with Great Britain fc? dualiiesuhiow suu.ble,l6;.c‘i, rpbzgé b respectinp, St t t bl. I d 0 pu no 0 cers regu a e ,1n. o . oun ary o m e u es us es u is nc of secretary of senate, iii. 212. by treaties of clerk of house ofrepresentotives, iii. 212. with Great: Britain, viii. 55, 249 274, 1 of ccnsuls, i. 236. 572. of clerks of courts, i. 76. with Spain, viii. 138, 140, 254. 0; mprshuls, i. 87; ii. 372. B with Mexico, viii. 374, 464. 0 0 `cers ofmint, i. 34I. ounty of pursers in navy, ii. 536 ; iii. 350. ondisheries, of surveyongcneml, iii. 697. obsolete acts, i. 27, 229, 260, 533, 692; of postmusters, iv. 103 3 v. 82. ii. 36, 436, 552. of public officers increased, iii. 582. acts in force, iii. 49, 254, 314, 351, 417, of officers not impaired by removal from 520; iv. 38. cilice, iii. 723, 724. for destroying enemy ships, (obsolete,) ii. of cust»om—h0usc ofllccrs, i. 44, 171, 704, f 53, 761, 816. 705 · v. 661. or rlsoners of war obsolete, iii. 81 10* . for dutlies, i. 42, 168, 171, 174, 372; ii. 72, to igenadiun voluniegers iii. 2256 301, 39; 315, 471, 513; iii. 737 ; v. 205, 242. 641. ’ ’ ’ , Sac also the titles of the respective officcrs on captures, i. 715, 716. giving bonds, on negroes captured in slave vessels, iii. Bones, John, allowed to withdraw zi. land entry, 533. vi. 200. ou enlistment in the arm i. 222 224, 242 Ban Homme Richurrl, prize money to be dis- 409, 414, 438, 483, 484¥l504,751; ii. 704; tributed umong crew of, v. ISU. 788; iv. 647; v. 260. Bound, Paul, pension to, vi. 170. to army in lands. See Lands, Public, p. Bunncll, Joseph, pension tn, vi. 910. 94. Booker, Riclmrd, mul his Pumpany, claim of; on exportation of fish, i. 27; ii. 436; iii. for clothing, to be settled, vi. 799. 50. See Fisheries, p. 63. Backs, U _ Boing, Joint Baptiste, land claim confirmed to, copyright cf. Su- Cnpynghl, p. 4l. _ vi. 49.). I l ofgéutors, when to be produced in court, 1. Baurgaud, .6ntom:;é3t0 be paid for damage to . property, vi.. dug on, v. 557, 560. Bourguin, Edward, allowed to enter certain Bao2r2S abort H., payment for services of, vi. land, v. 715. 1. Bourne, Silva us r ne t f ad s b --—·, Sgtirc, pension to, vi. DU. authorized, xii.;!';':?! n or wmcc yl Boone, unicl, title to land ccmtii·nu·d to, vi. 127. Benton, Daniel, increase of pension tc, vi. •·———· Hampton L., allowance tn, {br services, 114. Il. 371. Boutwcll, Abra/iam E., pension to, vi. 608.