Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 8.djvu/726

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70 GENERAL INDEX. Ffanking Privilege, (continued.) Proc Ships, I I _ George Waslnington, i. 512, 738. treaty stipulations, tlmt free ships shall Murtha Washington, ii. 19. miiké 966 g`¢}Qd$, With John Adams, ii. 102, 600. Algiers, viii. 224. Mrs. Harrison, v. 461, 739. Brazil, viii. 393. Thomas JcH`erson, ii. 526, 552, 600. Central America, vm. 328. James Madison, iii. 350. Chile, viii. Dolly P. Madison, v. 107, 739. Colombia, vni. 310. Charles Carroll, iv. 320. Ecuador, xiii. 540. penalty for counterfeiting Franks, i. 238, France,vm. 24,184. 362 3 iv. 110. Mexico, viii. 416. limitation of time and weight to members Peru-Bolivia, viii. 490. of eongre s, ii. 600; iii. 265, 266; iv. Prussia, viii. 90. 110, 629; v. 733, 735. Spain, viii. 146. penalty for frunking letters of other per- Sweden, viii. 64. sons, ii. 600; iv. 110. Tripoli, viii. 154, 214. accounts to be kept of postage paid by ofH- Tunis, viii. 157. cers of government, v. 734, 735. Venezuela, viii. 472. franking privileges (except in certain Freedom, of the press and of speech secured, i. cases) abolished, v. 734, 735, 739. 21. certain documents muy be sent in the mail Freeland, Benjamin, authorized to exchange free of postage, land, vi. 385. presidents` messages, ii. 505, 554, 614, Freelooe, David, pension to, vi. 866. 667, 787; iii. 48, 474. —-———, the Snow, exportation of goods saved copies of census, iv. 429, 608. from the wreck oi, permitted,'vi. 16. newspapers, i. 238, 362; ii. 600; iv. Freeman, Edgar, pension to, vi. 516. 110; v. 733. ————, Lieutenant John, appropriation for, i. public documents, iii. 133, 537, 539, 285 649; iv. 495. ————-, Pearson, pension to, vi. 568. state laws and reports, iv. 740 ; v. Frcligh, George, claim of, to be settled and 735. paid, vi. 155. letters respecting vaccination, ii. 806. French, Samuel, pension to, vi. 25. note of acts respecting, ii. 599. -——·-—·—-——, increase of pension 1.0, vi. 93, Franklin, Benjamin, 417. sensibility of congress to the tribute of the ——-—-—, Thomas, allowance to, vi. 223. notional assembly to his memory, i. 225. ————-— Vessels, certain, duties remitted to the acceptance of his staff, v. 716. owners of, vi. 18. pension to, vi. 829. Fresh Water, modes of obtaining, from salt I·`ro·n,kIin Insurance Company, incorporated, vi. water, to be printed on the back of clear- 203. ances, i. 286. -·--—-——-—-——-—·——--, grunt of further Frey, Federio/r, and Company, drawback ulpowers to, vi. 704. lowed to, vi 758. Pronzoni, Guiseppo, allowance to udininistro- Fridge, Ale:•:amler,Iand claim confirmed to, vi. trix ol} vi. G20. 432. ·-———, Virginia, allowance te, vi. 620. .Fricmls/Lip, Schooner, fishing bounty allowed to Fraser, Jlngus 0,, and others, payment to, vi. owner, officers, &,e., of, vi. 616. 249. Frink, John, pension to, vi. 231. —-—-·, James, allowance to, for work, vi. Frisbie, Levi, pension to, vi. 177. 391. Frishy, Richard, allowance to, for property de- ·-··——·, John, forfeiture to be refunded t0, vi. stroyed, vi. 743. 919. Fritton, Traviso, pension to, vi. 656. Frasier, Charles JM, to be paid for n house de- Frizzini, Louis, land claim confirmed to represtroyed, vi. 642. sentntives oi', v. 493. -—-—-, John, mul Company, excess of duty to Frizzle, Elisha, increase of pension to, vi. 68,85. be repaid to, vi. 647. Frost, Isaiah, payment to, iv. 777. -——-, Robert, land worrunt to be issued to, vi. ————, Joseph, pension to, vi. 24. 65. Frontiers, Fmuds, trade on, regulated, i. 701, 702, 703, 704; on Bunk of United States, (obsolete,) i. ii. 252; iii. 616, 781. 573 ; ii. 423. defence oi, iv. 533, 652; v. 67, 209, 351. on new Bunk of United States, iii. 275, preservation of peace on, iv. 729. 500 ; iv. 120. foreign and coasting trade on the north, on government of United States, iii. 771. north-eastern, und north·western fronin entries ut custonrhouse. See False En.- tiers, regulated, iv. 487. try, p. (S1. Frothingham, Jos/ma P., allowance to, for prop- Fmzar, George, and others, fishing bounty nl- erty destroyed, vi. 546. lowed t0, vi. 699. Fry, Benjamin, pension to, vi. 113. Frazcc, John, payment to, for bust ol`Jolm Jay, ---, Henry, pension to, vi. 870. iv. 474. -—-—, John, and another, claim oi to be settled, —-——-, Solomon, released from a judgment, vi. vi. 308. 151. Frye, William W., exempted from duties, vi. ——————·, John, pension to, vi. 154. 739. ·-—, Thomas, pension to, vi. 737. Fugate, Thomas, pension to, vi. 177.