Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 8.djvu/731

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GENERAL INDEX. 75 {real Britain, (continued.) ‘ · Great Britain, (continued.) Art. ,12. West India trade regulated, viii. ties assigned to them by the 7th article 122. of the treaty of 1794, viii. 197. Art213. East India trade regulated, viii. Art. 4. Ratification of this convention, viii. 1‘ 3. 197. Art. Liberty of commerce between the Decision of the Commissioners under the British European domimons and the Fourth Article of the Treaty of Ghent, United States established, viii. 124. November 24, 1814, viii. 250. Art. 15. Regulations respecting duties on Moose Island, &.c., to belong to the United ships and merchandise, viii. 124. ° States, viii. 251.

16. Consuls may be appointed, viii. Omg; islands belong to Great Britain, viii.

o. , Art. 17. How to proceed when vessels are Declaration of the Commissioners under the captured on suspicion of having enemy’s FourthArticls of t/ie Treaty of Ghent, Noproperty or contraband goods, viii. 125. vember 24, 1817, viii. 251. Art. 1B. Wliat articles shall be deemed Treaty of Peace, December 24, 1814, viii. contraband. Stipulutions respecting pro- 218. visions becoming contraband. Regula- Article 1. Firm andinviolnblcpeacc. Tertions respecting vessels attempting to ritory, dec., to be restored, with excepenter a. blockaded port, or found therein, tions. Archives and records to be reviii. 125. stored, viii. 218. Art. 19. Privateering regulated, viii. 126. Art. 2. Immediately on ratification, orders Art. 20. Pirates not to be protected, and to be sent to armies, &c., to cease hosgoods taken by them to be restored, viii. tilities. Limitation of time of capture in 126, 127. diferent latitudes, viii. 219. Art. 21. Subjects or citizens of one party Art. 3. Prisoners of war to be restored, shall not accept commissions from a for- viii. 219. eign state at war with the other, viii. Art. 4. Reference of the boundary estab- 127. lished by the treaty of 1783. Mode of Art. 22. No reprisal till demand of satis- the appointment of commissioners. faction and refusal, viii. 127. Meeting of the commissioners. In cases Art. 23. Ships of war of each to be re- of disagreement of commissioners, referceived in the ports of the other. Amer- ence to a friendly power, viii. 219, 220 ican vessels, in case of stress of weather, Art. 5. Commissioners to settle boundamay enter British ports, viii. 127. ries. Meeting and proceedings of com- Art. 24. Foreign privateer not to arm in missioners. In case of difference, to be the ports of either nation, nor to sell referred toafriendly power,viii. 220,221. their prizes, viii. 128. Art. 6. Doubts as to the boundary from a Art. 25. Regulations respecting prizes and point in the forty-fifth degree of -nortl1 captures, viii. 128. latitude, to be referred to commissioners. Art. 26. Privileges of the subjects and cit- Meetinlg and duties of the commissionizens of each party residing in the do- ers. n case of disagreement of the minions of the other in case of rupture, commissioners, reference to a friendly viii. 128. power, viii. 221. Art. 27. Criminals to be delivered up to Art. 7. Commissioners to tix the boundary justice, viii. 129. to the water communication between the Art. 28. Limitation. The first ten articles Lakes Huron, and Superior, and the of the treaty to be permanent. The Lake of the Woods. ln case of disatwelfth article limited to twelve years. greement of commissioners, a reference, Ratification, viii. 129. viii. 221, 222. Additional article, May 4, 1796, viii. 130. Art. 8. The board of commissioners may Twelfth article suspended, viii. 130. appoint a ecretary, and employ survey- Explanatory article, viii. 130. ors. Compensation of the commission- Explanatory article to be added to the treaty ers. All grants of land prior t0_ the of amity, commerce, and navigation, be- commencement of the war falling within tweenthe United States and Great Britain, the dominions of the other party to be March 15, 1798, viii. 131. valid, viii. 222. The commissioners under the fifth article Art. 9. United States to put an end to the released from particularizing the latitude war with the Indian tribes and nations and longitude of the river intended by after the ratification of this treaty,and to the St. Croix, viii. 131. restore to such tribes and nations the Convention between the United States and possessions they enjoyed or were entitled Great Britain, January 8, 1802, viii. 196. to in 1811, viii. 222, 223. Article 1. The sixth article of the treaty Art. 10. Contracting parties shall use their 0f November 19, 1791, ante, page 116, best endeavons to promote the entire aboannulled, with exccptions. United States lition of the slave trade, yiii. 223. _ agree to pay 1:600,000 sterling, in annual Art. l1. Treaty to be binding when ratifiinstalments of £200,000 each, viii. 196. cation is exchanged, viii. 223. Art. 2. The fourth article of the treaty of A Convention to regulate Commerce between peace of 1783, relative to private debts, the Territories of tke'United States and recognized and confirmed, viii. 197. those of His Britanmc Majesty, July 3i Art. 3. Commissioners to execute the du- 1815, viii. 228.