Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 8.djvu/744

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88 GENERAL INDEX. Indian Ajitirs, (continued.) Inspector-Gmcrals, &c., (continued.! president may prescribe rules and regula- pay of, i. 120, 484, 559, 6%, 7u5; ii 133, tions iv. 738. 207, 671 735 784· iii. 4‘ , 615. Indian Depredatians, claims on account ol`, to duties of, ii 120t I be settled, vi. 58]. L I i ru;s9and regulations for, to be prepared, ii. -—————---——- in ./2r unsas, c aims br to . bc paid, vi. 408. ’ Sec Staj`, p. 161. -—— Reservations in Alabama, to be relin- Inspector of Fort{/ieations, appointment of', i. u`shed vi. 441. 753. Indigrdentss Insurance Companies, remedies oi, in District for treason, i. 118. of Columbia, ii. 227. for perjury, i. 116. Insurgent, Ship, provision for relatives of those arraignment and pleading to, i. 118; iv. lost in, ii. 170. 1];*, 777. Insurglonts Pennsylvanj?3 relief to persons for penalties or forfeiture limitation of i. w osu cred from, i. . 119; v. 322. See Limiiatian, p. 105. , Insurrections, persons accused of capital crimes, &c., not employment of militia to suppress, i. 14, to be held to answer, except on indict.- f24S, 424.d 443 ment, i. 21. 0 army an navy ii. ‘ . Infantry Tactics, edition of, to be printed ond Inmzrrcgticn in Pennsjlrzmia, grant to officcrs published iv. 357, 627. xm citizens for losses by vi. 20. Infants, sale Lf real estate 01, in District of Intcrccursc. See Foreign Intdrcaursc, p. 65. Columbia, v. 6*21. Interest, on bonds and judgments, i. 677; v. 518 Informer, Intorfcring land claims, iii. 526; iv. 31. liability for costs, i. 626. Internal Duties. Sec Duties and Ezriscs, inter when allowed costs i. 626. nal, p. 56. shnrc of penalty, 1.,607. Internal Improvements. Sec Ports and Hur fines and forfcitures, i. 697. bars, p. 135. Roads p. 148. Canals p. 23 in what cases muy be o. witness, i. 299, 317, I Navigativgt, p. 120. 7 ’ 697. ntcrnatiomz aw Ingalls, Israel, pension to, vi. 632. jurisdiction of: United States courts in cases Ingles, John P., and another, to be paid for rent, of persforgs committed for ucts done by vi. 784. order 0 oreign powers v. 539. Inrrlis, Ch. tain Jolm, at ro rintion for, i. 395. See Corztrabund, p. 40. érivatccrs, p. 141. s P PP P _ Ingraham, Amos, pension to, vi. 417. lntreptd, Kctch, resolutions respecting good con- -—-—·—·——-, Nathaniel G., to be discharged from duct of officcrs and crew of, ii. 346. prison, vi. 119. Intrusion, into public lands, prohibitions oi, ii. Injuncticn, 445 ‘ iii. 260 393, 450. writ of, when rrmtablo, b 'udirc of su.- Invalid lgcnsiansj See Pensions, p. 130. g Y J ¤ b pciienie court, 1. 3344; gii. 595. gnvcntions, Patentsfvr. See Patents, p. 128. y istrict judge, ii. 1 · iii. 595. nvoiccs, to treasury warrant of distress against pub. in what currency to be made out, i. 41 ; ii. lic debtors iii. 595. 121. to prcvicnt tlie issuing, &c., of bills of cx- fraudulent, i. 42, 169, 677; iii. 436, 734; pire corporations, v. 297. v. 565. obsolete provision for, ii. 94. must be produced, iii. 434, 720. Inman, Fleuryé appropriation to pay for paint. exception, iii. 434, 730. incr v. 1 . must be sworn to, iii. 434, 435 730. Inncsgbeurgc, to be paid for services, vi. provision for non—resident owners, iii 7 6. 435 733. Insolvency, collector’s’cert.iIicatc thereon, iii. 437. prgwgétyrcg lagged States in cases of, i. 42, when conclusive evidence of value, iii ` , o . 437. priori? int§ke cast? tzsurctie , i. 676. Iowa, Johnson County, grant of right of pre. acts or c relie o inso vent debtors. emption to, vi. 846. I $ce fear gcbéars, 135. Er d d —-———-éLInr:. County, authorized to enter land, vi. nspeotnan, nw: o the sta es con me , an to 4 . I be obszrvgd, i. 106, 699. -——, school lands reserved in, vi. 925. nspcctars ustoms —- Univcrsih, ruut of land for `. 810. apnointment n.nd.’duties, i. 642, 654, 658, Iowa, Territaré 5, ’ H (SE, 007} 6268, Gig; und see Customs, territory of Witzonsin divided, and that of _ _ cars 0 t c, p. . Iowa estubli ed, v. 235. right of, to board vessels, i. 195, 668; iii. general act for the government oi, v. 235. _ 231, 232, 668. _ laws of United States extended to, v. 239. right. of, to search carriages, &c., iii. 195, delegate from, to congress, v. 240. 231, _ provision for suits already pending, v. 240. for provxsions rcggecting 3; officers of the restrictions on power of legislature, v. 237. cus cms see stams, versa , .44. ull laws to be sub `tt d t _: s . Inspector-General, and Inspectors in thfgrmy, 237. mx 6 0 Connie S, V appointment and number oi, i. 120, 483, statutes, how passed, v. 356. 550, 604, 753; 11. 133, 671, 735, 819; assignment of judicial districts, v. 505. iu. 1107, 610; v. 513. extrn session of legislature in June, 1644, reduction of, v. 513. I authorized, v. 657.