Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 8.djvu/752

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96 GENERAL INDEX. Lands, Public, (continued.) Lands, Public, (continued.) t _ 712, 782, 811 ; iii. 97, 130, 201, 300, 308, of lands set apart for cultivation of tropical 433, 509, 555, 612, 665, 751, 781 ; iv. 24, plants, iii. 374. _ 60, 80, 91, 158, 259, note, 286, 390, 398, of sites no longer wanted, iv. 264. 445, 567. of Keep Tryst Furnace, iii. 521. penalty for attempting to prevent bids ut of sites for schools, &c., among Indians, v. public sale, iv. 392. 611. penalty for agreeing to pay u premium on note of acts respecting, i. 464. the bid of another, iv. 392. (4.) Donations, Grants, and Reservations rf registers and receivers may udmini ter for school lands in the following states and oaths to purchasers, v. 384. territories, _ special acts authorizing sales in the follow- Alabama, iii. 467, 491 ; rv. 237; v. ing states and territories, 116, 490, 727. in Alabama, iii. 467,681; iv. 572, 603. Arkansas, iv. 329, 418, 661, 685 ; v. in Arkansas, iv. 400, 506, 661, 685, 58,600; vi. 81.9. 688. Florida, iv. 357, 551, 601 ; v. 666, 788. in Florida, iii. 756; iv. 475, 550, 601, Illinois, ii. 448, 729; iii. 307, 319; v. 664, 727. 600. m Illinois, ii. 448, 684; iii. 113, 317, Indiana, state and territory, ii. 279, 319, 326, 778; iv. 334, 443, 451, 448, 590; iii. 290, 686,702; iv.`298, 686; v. 49, 473. 558. in Indiana, ii. 277, 343, 378, 447, 448, Iowa, v. 522, 666, 789. 590, 649; iii. 409, 522, 701, 783 ; iv. Louisiana, state and territory, ii. 234, 413. 394, 618, 621, 665, 729; v. 600. in Louisiana, ii. 619, G20, 663, 665, Michigan, ii. 729; iv. 314; v. 59, 624. 774; iv. 167, 398, 534, 562; v. 611. Mississippi, ii. 234, 401, 480, 548; iii. in Michigan, ii. 503; iii. 577, 778 3 iv. 163, 375, 467, 681 ; v. 116, 490, 727. 443, 551; v. 49, 624. Missouri, ii. 750; iii. 330, 517, 547, in Mississippi, ii. 229, 234, 440, 480, 787; iv. 435. 526, 548, 650; iii. 229, 375, 485, Ohio, ii. 175 225, 425, 448; iv. 57, 79, 680; iv. 189. 138, 179, 679; v. 624. in Missouri, iii. 407; iv. 51, 364, 567. Tennessee, ii. 234, 383 ; v. 600. in North-West Territory, i. 464, 728 ; Wisc0nsiu, v. 244, 666. ii. 73, 237, 277; iii. 308; iv. 686. J. C. Symmes’s patent, ii. 114. in Ohio, ii. 112, 275, 281, 345, 352, in purchase from Creeks of August 9, 378, 470; iii. 201, 308, 319, 326, 1814, iii. 229. 409, 469, 522, 575, 728; iv. 56, 123, general provision for cases where spe- 185, 237, 441, 560,601; v. 261, 624. cial reservation was not made, iv. in Orleans Territory, ii. 394, 619. 179. _ in Tennessee, ii. 649; iii. 729; v. 412. for sominaries of learning in the following in Virginia, iii. 521, 641. states and territories, in Wisconsin, v. 70, 244. Alabama, state and territory, iii. 467, in South Carolina, iv. 364. 491. in Iowa, v. 70. Arkansas, iv. 235, 661 ; v. 59; vi. 360, at Shnwneetown. Seethattitle, p. 156. 819. sulc of part of lands acquired by treaty of Florida, iii. 756; iv. 201 ; v. 63, 788. Dancing Rabbit Creek suspendod,v. 131. Illinois, iii. 307, 430; iv. 475. uuthorig given to states to sell, Indians, state and territory, ii. 279; to lubuma, iv. 237. iii. 290. to Arkansas, iv. 661, 607 ; v. 600. Iowa, v. 789. to Florida, v. 63. Louisiana, state and territory, ii. 394, to Illinois, iv. 305, 496; v. 600. 618, 620, 664 ; iv. 244. to Indiana, iv. 298, 558. Michigan, iv. 180, 370; v. 59. to Missouri, iv. 494. Mi sissippi, ii. 234, (579; iii. 485. to Louisiana, v. 600. Missouri, state ond territory, iii. 407, to Ohio, iv. 79, 138, 618. 547 ; iv. 200, 494. to Tennessee, ii. 382; iii. 416, 729; v. Ohio, ii. 226. 412, 600. Tennessee, ii. 382. of the Creek lands, iii. 229, 484; v. Wisconsin, v. 244. IE6- Deaf and Dumb Asylum of Kentucky, of estates of insolvent debtors assigned iv. 202. to United States, iv. 51. Columbian College, District of Columof certain sites, bin, iv. 603. Fort Washington, ii. 352. Jetferson College, ii. 234, 305, 679. Fort Fayette, (Pittsburg,) iii. 75. in purchase from Creeks of August 9, in New York city, iii. 116. 1814, iii. 229. arsenal, lxo pital, and barrack at New for internal improvements, v. 455, 471 ; Orleans, iii. 465. and see Proceeds of Sales, post, p. 98. }*'0rtCl1urlotte, (Mobile,) iii. 465. Alabama, iv. 290, 397, 441, 604; v. Fort St. Charles, iii. 661. 57. public grounds in St. Augustine und Pen- Arkansas, iv. 371, 619, 707; v. 58. sucola, iv. 550. I 471. military reservations at Detroit, iv. 551. Florida, iv. 474, 778, v. 144, 145, 253