Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 8.djvu/758

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102 GENERAL INDEX. Lewis, Ambrose pension to, vi. 92. Library of Congress, fcqntintied.) --———-—-—-—-—-, increase of pension to, vi. 115. purchase of library of Thomas Jetferscn —-——, Amos, pension to, vi. 113. for, iii. 195, 225, 226, 246. -—- and Clarke, grant of land to, vi. 65. duties remitted on books for, iv. 82. —-—-—, Edwin, right of preemption vested in, prgszgntation copies of catalogue of, v. 436, vi. 99. - -...-, Elizabeth, released from suits as cxccu- appropriation for expense of catalogue, v. trix, vi. 339. 267. i., James, pension to, vi. 33. appropriations for, ii. 56, 350, 667 ; iii. 477; ——-, John F., increase of duty tobe refunded iv. 60, 92, 139, 226, 301, 579; v. 170, to, vi. 647. 175, 222, 346, 379, 586. -———, Jonah, duplicate land warrant to issue salary of librarian, ii. 129; iii. 284, 431, to, vi. 272. 645; iv. 421; v. 175, 524. ————, Mason E., authorized to enter land, vi, salary of assistant librarian, iv. 226, 301. 879. salary of additional assistant librarian, v. ·——-, Alcrriwcther, land warrant to be issued 431. to, and double pay allowed to, vi. 65. Licenses, ——;——;·—-·——-, land warrant to be issued to of enemy, use of, prohibited, (obsolete,) representatives of, vi. 380. ii. 780; iii. 84, 2:26. -—·-, Micltael, to be paid for pilotage, vi. 431. to trade with Indians. Sec Indian Afairs, ——-·, .M0scs, to be discharged from prison, vi. p. 87. 166- Limlf l D f C I b -—-— .I\/hboth . . - 0 msc xanics in istrict 0 0 um ia iv. -.-~:J»~(.»1.¢.7£s.»z,}¥’°““‘°“ *°· "'· 2** css. ' ———-—, Robert B., patent fees to be refunded to, of decrees and judgments, v. 338, 393. vi. 897. on land officers of internal revenue, debts —-—·-, Samuel, Senior, discharged from impris- to United States, i. 594 ; iii. 33, 83, 240 onment, vi. 43. of taxes, iii. 30, 172. —-—, Thomas, allowance to, for services and where there is a levy of a treasury warrant expenses, vi. 37. of distress, iii. 593. ·—·—-, William B., account of, to be settled, vi. Liculcmvm-G¢1wMl, i- 558, 752- 217. Lighthouses and Light Ships, --·—, Winslow and Henry, claim oi, to be set- state establishments oi, us umcd by the tled and paid, vi. 198. United States, i. 53, 137, 218, 251, 339, -—----—····--—-·-, to be paid for expenses and ser· 393, 425, 488. vices, vi. 771. ccssions of jurisdiction with, and reserva- —-—-—, Winslow, acts respecting his improve- tion us to service of process declared ments of lighthouses, ii. 691, 828; iii. 110, sufficient, i. 426. 357. service of prcees in, i. 426. Lexington and Ohio Railroad Com any, duties not to be built unless there is s. previous to be refunded to, v. 169; vi. eession of jurisdiction over sites ot, iii. Lilwls and Seelitirm, 600, 644; v. 468. punishment of, (obsolete,) i. 596. title of sites to be examined before pun on seizures, regulations of, i. 695; iii. 21. chase oi, v. 468. consolidation ot, iii. 21. measures to be taken to procure cessions Liberator, Brig, register to be issued to, vi. 371. of jurisdiction over sites, and report of -—--·-———-·—-—, extra duty on, to be refunded, result to be made, v. 468. vi. 600. salaries of keepers to be determined by Liberty, Ship, collector of New York to be in~ secretar of the treasury, iv. 284. demnified for seizure of, ii. 423. fog-bell oily Andrew Morse, Jr., to be tested, Library of Congress, v. 292. establishment ot, ii. 56, 128. D. Mclville‘s improvement, iii. 699. rooms to be prepared for, iii. 225, 477. crimes respecting, iv. 115. regulation of, Winslow Lewis's improvement ot, ii. 691, rules may be mudo, ii. 129. 828; iii. 110, 357. books, by whom to be purchased, ii. Isaac Dunhum’s improvement, v. 185. 129. E. Blunt.’s improvement, v. 292. who may take out books, ii. 129, 308, division of coastinto districts, and examina- 612. tion of lighthouses, v. 292. removal of useless books from, iv. 321. In particular Places. exchange of duplicates, v. 409. Absccum Inlet, v. 183. adjustment of accounts of G. Mtlcrston Amelia. Island, v. 185, 292. and others, against, iii. 283. Appalachicola. Bay, v. 185. return For donations to, iv. 744. Baker's Island, i. 452; iii. 316, 599, use granted to judges of supreme court, ii. 780 ; iv. 147, 252, 611. 786. Bald Head, i. 246, 340, 501; ii. 828; to attorney-general, and to diplonmtio iii. 316, 357. corps, iii. 284. Barnegat, iv. 720. to heads of departments, ex-presidents, Bnrtlctt.'s Rect, v. 293, 466. secretaries of senate and house of Bass Island, v. 291. representatives, iv. 429. i Bayou St. .I0hn’s, ii. 611. improvement of law department in, iv.Beach Point, ii. (511. 579 ; v. 175. l Bear Island, v. 269.