Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 8.djvu/765

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GENERAL INDEX. .109 Mail, (continued.) Mann, Ariel, and others, moneys to be refunded offence against, iv. 102 to 114 ; v. 86, 87, to, vi. 456. 732. _ _ ———, William, accounts oi, to be settled and treaty stipulation concerning transportation paid, vi. 592. ot, over Isthmus of Panama., viii. 584. Mommy, James, proceedings against sureties cg

, British, how transmitted to Canada, v. suspended, vi. 746.

_ 718. _ _ Manning, Jeremiah, to be paid for hay, vi. 291. Marms and Mazming, punishment, i. 115. Mansell, George, administrator of} to be allowed Mama, State of, credits, vi. 368. admission into the Union, iii. 544. Manslaughter, representatives oi, iii. 555. crime of, i. 113. repairs of Mars Hill military road in, iv. where life is lost by carelessness, &c., of 716. persons employed in steamboats, v. 306. payment to, for expenses connected with Manual, Cobble, appropriation to purchase, iv. the disputed boundary, iv. 377, 739; v. 627. 265, 490. Manuscrqzt, penalty for pirating, i. 125 ; iv. 438. payment to, for militia services, v. 490. Manzanat. Cuesta, bond of, to be cancelled, vi. payment tc, under treaty of Washington, 376. v. 623, 695. Maps, Maitland, William, debentures of, to be paid, vi. depot for, v. 576. 325. distribution oi, v. 660. Major- Generals, of North Carolina coast, sale of; ii. 504. number ofi i. 222, 483, 507, 604; ii. 671, copyright of. See Copyright, p. 41. 801 ; iii. 225, 615. Marblehead, surveyor of the customs at, ii. 301. pay of} i. 223, 242, 484, 604, 750 ; ii. 801 ; Maquct, Anthony, grant of land to, vi. 35. iii. 225, 615. Marine Corps, aid-de-camp ofl i. 223, 483, 604, 753 ; ii. act of 1798, ch. 72, establishing and organ- 67l, 801 3 iii. 115, 225, 615. izin , i. 594. waiters of, iii. 114. oath ogoflicers and marines, i. 595; iv. 713. Major, Martin, land claim not confirmed to, vi. exemption from arrest, i. 595, 596. 683. may do duty on shore, i. 596. Malabar, British S/rip,thanks·of congress to her pay in, i. 595; iv. 646, 713. officers and crew, for exertions to save the stutfin, i. 595; iii. 124; iv. 713. steamer Missouri, v. 720. pensions in, i. 595. See Pensions, p. 130. Jllalarin, Gregoire, land claim confirmed to, vi. to be subject to rules and articles, i. 595 ; 499. iv. 713. Malcolm, Henry, to be credited with money augmentntions of, authorized; in 1799, i. lost, vi. 184. 729; in 1800, ii. 544 ; in 1814, iii. 124. Malone, Therese, Representatives of, authorized lieutenant-colonel commandant of marines, to locate lands, vi. 870. i. 39. Malicious Mischief term of enlistment in, i. 595; ii. 544; iv to persons, i. 115. 647; v. 795. to property, iv. 115, 116. brevet rank in, iii. 124 ; iv. 713, 714. Mallaby, Francis, payment to, vi. 767. peace establishment of, iii. 376. Malone, Daniel, authorized to enter land, vi. emoluments continued up to February 28, 756. 1831, iv. 430. Man, Spencer, drawbacks allowed to, vi. 21. appropriation for, iv. 461. Manne, Samuel, claim of, for property destroyed, continued indefinitely, iv. 605. to be settled and paid, vi. 171. pay of brevet majors, iv. 580. Mandamus, Writ aj, when and whence issuable, bounty on enlistment abolished, iv. 647. i. 81. act of 1834, ch. 132, for the reorganization Mandate, for Execution, when from supreme of, iv. 712. _ ` court, i. 85, 86. rank of officers in, xv. 716. Mantfests, president to prescribe military regula obsolete provisions respecting, i. 38, 61, tions, iv. 713. 155, 159, 177, 311. benefits of the act of 1627, ch. 42, giving required in case of imports, i. 644. increased pay to captains and subalterns forms of, i. 645. in the army, extended to the marine forfeiture for having no manifest or an im- cor]; iv. 71 . _ _ perfect one, i. 646. Marbury, illiam, authorized to enter land, vn. to be exhibited, i. 646. 811. _ _ to be certified on arrival, i. 646, 647. March, John, Widow oj Pension to, vi. 775. _ penalty for not exhibiting, i. 647. Marcus, William, authorized to enter land, vn. penalty on officer for refusing to certify, 790. _ i. 647, 648. Marcchal, Joseph, allowance to, vi. 304. _ in case of steamboats on Lake Champlain, Marcro, Bi.m•tc,land claim confirrned to,v1.500. iii. 396. Margery, Jonathan, pension to, vi. 23. t before clearance, iii. 542. Mar-igny, Bernard, land claims confirmed to; vi, on entries from adjacent territories, iii. 480. _ _ 616, 781. —--——, Prorper, land claim confirmed to, v1. where slaves are transported, ii. 429, 430. 488. _ Hankin, Isaiah, exempted from imprisonment Marin, E., and another, land claim con5rmed for debt of United States, vi. 50. to, vi. 499.