Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 8.djvu/781

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GENERAL INDEX. 125 North- Western Territory, Oaths, (continued.) ordinance of 1789 for the government ol} i. by whom administered, i. 23. 51: fwte. to members of congress, i. 23. acts for the government of, i. 50, 285 ; ii. by courts and judges, i. 23. 58, 173. by clerks of courts, i. 278. limitation ucft of, disappigovgi, i. 286. 2 by pension agents, v. 368. sett ement o accounts o officers of in 180 b re `sters an ce` - .1 ms, s. 350. ’ Q5 V. 384. d "’ “’°’“ °f k""' °" provisions respecting public lands in. See by auditor of post-office, v. 84. Lands, Public, p. 94. by officers of customs, i. 664. Norton, Elnathan, pension to, vi. 25. by chairman of committees of congress -.-.-, John, pension to, vi. 154. i. 554; iii. 345. , .._, §tep/Lea, and at/mrs, allowance to, for by auditors in departments, iii. 368. Nm- 1;;/vices, v1. 541. by&¢;0mér:,1;s2o;17;r’,siSto take afggavits, 1 · $7.071878 . . discriminating duties repealed as to, iii. persons sorupulous of taking oaths, under 510; iv. 206. Appendix, i. Proc. vi. collection act of 1799, ch. 22, may affirm, treaty of July 4, 1827, with, viii. 346. i. 599. Notaries, regulation of fees of, in the District of false taking of, punishedu perjury, i. 116, Columbia, iii. 417. 117, 562, 695; 771; iv. 118. See Nourse, James, pension to, vi. 178. Pcrjury, p. 131. —.-——, Joseph, to pay expenses ot] vi. 35. O’Bamwn, Jennings, allowance to, for expenses Newell, James, pension to, vi. 177. of suit, vl. 240. —-—-, Samuel, pension to, vi. 460. ·—-———-, Presley JVZ, allowance to, for a horse Noyes, Ebenezer, duties to be repaid to, vi. 241. lost, vi. 706. —-—, Enoch J., and others, fishing bounty al- ———-———, Thomas, allowed to withdraw his enlowed to, vi. 808. try and locate elsewhere, vi. 104. ——-·—, Joseph, pension to, vi. 92. Oblenis, Garret, pension to, vi. 33. Nueva Granada, Brig, register allowed to, vi. 0’Bricn, James, duties remitted to, vi. 30. 883. —————, Richard, accounts of, to be settled, vi. Nunez, FWduw, land claim confirmed to, vi. 250. 501. · -——-—·——--—-, allowance to, for outfits, vi. Nate, Jatham, pension t0, vi. 23. 267. ——--——-—, increase of pension to, vi. 114. Obstruction, Nutting, Daniel, increase of pension to, vi. 68. of marshal, &c., serving precepts, i. 117. See Process, p. 141. of custom·h0use officers, i. 44, 316, 678; Q_ iii. 782; iv. 633. _ of persons escaping from wrecks, xv. 116. Oakes, Henry, released from judgments, vi. of man}, nv. 104. See Past-Ojiac, p. 137. 560. oflofficegg of internal revenue, i. 210; iii. Oaths, 55, 1 . by whom to be taken, O’C0nnm·, John, land title confirmed to reprepresident and vice-president, senators scntatives of, vi. 239. _ _ and representatives, i. 16, 19, 23. Odom, Seyberc, mcrca e of pension to, vi. 102. secretary of senate, i. 24. Ojiccrs and Agents-, register of, to be printed, clerk of house, i. 24. vn. 181. _ members of state legislatures, i. 23. O'Fallon, John,- and another. Soo Elms T. judges 0i' courts, i. 23, 76. Mnghams VI- 751- other olllcers of United States, i. 23. Ojiocrs of the Customs. See Customs, Officer: clerks of courts, i. 23, 76. of the, p. 44. _ marshals, i. 23, 87. Officers of the lfmted States,_ _ district attorneys, i. 23, 92. to be appointed by president, 1. 17. attorney-general, i. 23, 93. term of office regulated, in. 582,697. _ clerks of departments, i. 215. general provmon respecting oath of, 1. 19, o{‘Hcers of customs, i. 641, 642. 23. _ _ _ members of courts·martiul in army, ii general provision respecting bonds or] m. 353_ 582, 697, 723. of courts-martial in navy, ii. 50. certain, forbidden to trade, dsc. officers and soldiers in the army, i. 96, officers of the customs, 1. 337, 695. 121, 432, 486, 605; ii. 136, 361, 673, persons in land office, v. 112. _ 796. persons in treasury department, r. 67, by applicants for patents who reside 215, 281,419. __ abroad, v. 544. members o congress, u. 484, 604. in mint, v. 652. persons employed m collection of revrequired under acts for collection of duties, enue, 1. 281, 380. _ _ to reports pnd manifests, i. 649. officers of the commmsariat, m. 427. to entry, i. 656 ; iii. 730, 731, 733, 734. persons m post-oinces, v. 86. _ by appraisers of goods, i. 666; iii. 735. O'Flyng, Edmund, land warrant granted to, vi. on clearing, i. 698. 163. _ _ _ to obtain drawbacks, i. 691. ---—·, Patrwk and Abrgazl, land warrant to obtain bounty on exportation of fish, granted to, and to recexve ha.If—pay for ther: i. 693. sons, vi. 163.