Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 8.djvu/793

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GENERAL INDEX. 137 Pmtugal, (continued.)·Ojios Department, Art. 13. Favors iu_ nav1ation, &c., to powerof congress, i. 14. become common, viii. 56 . former establishment continued, i. 70, 178, Art. 14. Duration of the treaty. Citizens 218. ' personally responsible for violations of obsolete general act of 1792, ch. 7, i. 9.33. the treaty. Repnsals not to be author- obsolete general act of 1802, ch. 48, ii. 19]. ized, nor war declared, until a statement obsolete general act of 1810, ch. 37, ii. 592. of mjuries shall be presented. Ratifi- repeal of all former acts in 1825, iv. 114. cations to be exchanged within eight general act of 1825, ch. 64, iv. 102. months, viii. 568. general act of 1836, ch. 270, v. S0. Posner, Silvia, claim of, to be settled, vi. 513. general act of 1845, ch. 43, v. 732. Postmaster- General, provisions respecting carrying the mail and appointment, i. 70, 234, 357, 733; ii. 593 3 making contracts therefor, Sobsolete,) i. iv. 102. 232, 357, 358, 733; ii. 191, 5J4, 595, 598, pay, i. 71, 235, 358, 730 ; ii. 152, 250, 456, 805; iii. 220, 266, 536. 713 ; iii. 309, 484 3 iv. 239. term of contracts, iv. 103-105 ; v. 198. annual reports of, i. 512, 741; ii. 485, 603; free white persons, only, to be emiv. 104, 113, 114; v. 84, 85, 525. ployed, iv. 104. other duties, i. 733; ii. 593; iv. 102; v. postmaster-general to provide for, iv. 81. 102. assistants oi, i. 70, 234, 357,358, 733; ii. in steamboats, iv. 103, 104; v. 736, 593, 615; iii. 484; iv. 102; v. 84, 89. 749. provision in case of death, &c., of} v. 89. in other vessels, iv. 103. oath of, i. 234, 358, 733; ii. 594 ; iv. 103. advertising for proposals, iv. 104 3 v. clerks of, i. 733; ii. 593; iv. 102; v. 84, 85. 89. exceptions as to railroad routes, v. annual estimates by, v. 80. 796. term of office, i. 741 ; ii. 604. steamboat: on rivers, v. 737. may instruct postmasters, iv. 102. duplicate of proposals to be lodged, iv. to report obstructions to post roads, ii. 277, 104 ; v. 87. 594; iv. 104. additional allowances to contractors, note of decisions respecting, i. 363. iv. 114 ; v. 85, 87. Postmasters, penalty for not fulfilling proposals, iv. appointment of, (obsolete,) i. 234, 358, 733; 114. ii. 593; (in force,) iv. 102; v. 87, 88. changes in contracts, v. 85. pay of; (obsolete,) L238, 363, 511,547, 730; consolidated and combination `bids not ii. 191, 594, 601, 604 ; iii. 220, 255; (in to be taken, v. 85. force,) iv. 104, 105, 113, 238; v. 735. opening of proposals, v. 86. at New Orleans, iv. 106. what bid shall be taken, v. 86, 738. at Philadelphia, i. 363. abstract of all proposals to be recorded, at Washington, ii. 191, 192, 603; iv. v. 86. 106. persons in post-oliices not contractors, accounts ot, (obsolete,) i. 238, 358, 360, or interested, iv. 113: v. 86. 364, 735 3 ii. 602; (in force,) iv. 102, 107, proposals to have guaranty, v. 86. 112. bids ofcertain persons not to be taken, suits against, (obsolete,) i. 238, 364, 740; v. 86,87. ii. 602, 603; (in force,) iv. 112,113; v. 82, payment, when made, v. 87. 83. on canals, v. 89. bonds of, i. 741 ; iv. 103; v. 82. on railroads, v. 283, 314, 738, 796. oath of] (obsolete,) i. 234, 358, 733 ; ii. carrying British mail between Boston 594 ; iv. 103. and anada, v. 718. clerks of, i. 2134, 358; ii. 604; iv. 113. carrying mail to foreign countries, iv. provision for death, removal, &c., of, v. 82. 112 ; v. 748. _ duties of, (obsolete,) i. 234, 358, 734; ii. to places on Gulf of Mexico, v. 750. 595; (in force,) iv. 105, 109; v. 88. on Mississippi River, v. 750. term of office, i. 741 ; ii. 604; v. 88. in steamulnps, v. 749. · exempted from militia and jury dut , (ub- contractors may be authorized to carriy solete,) i. 239, 366, 740; ii. 603; (in newspapers out of the mail, iv. 11 . force,) iv. 112; v. 88. how often mail is to be carried, tv. 102. not to be mail contractors, iv. 113; v. 86. extension of lines, contractor receivnot to act as lottery agents, iv. 238. ing all the postage, 1v. 103. schedules of mails to be furnished to, v. general post-oflice, 87. obsolete nets respecting, i. 234, 357, to report delinquenciesin arrivals of mails, 733, 734; ii. 592, 593, 595. v. 87. established in 1825, iv. 102. release of sureties of, v. 88. oath of person employed in, iv. 103. to be allowed postage in certain cases, v. no fees allowed in, iv. 105. 734. reorganization of, v. 80. to be residents in place where post-office is, cstimétges and accounts ofexpendltures, v. 88. v. . account of receipts from boxes, &.c., v. 430, accounts, how kept, v. 82. 487. auditor in, v, 81,,82. penalty for extortion, iv. 106. salaries m otHce oi} v. 89. vox,. vm. 18