Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 8.djvu/807

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GENERAL INDEX. {5] Rules and Articles in the Navy, (continued.) Russia, (continued.) wr;;;, bprpéng, and embezzlement of prop- heilelaiteg, by citizens of the United Staten • - · _ 54 d ss rbeb end bbbbey, ».712; b. rs. 'ri‘I...r.°...b. ‘Z§~’$E. 2Z.{L"l‘.‘2lF.a.°'.l¥lY detection of offenders, ii. 48. 3n4_ ’ m¤§¢€\' Wl1S, &¢., 11- 48- __ Art. 4. Interior seas to be free to both naduties of commanding officer, n. 49. tions for ten years, viii, 304, to be read monthly and hung up in ships, Art. 5. Certain articles ulwuys to be ex- 11- 4-)- __ cepted from this commerce, viii. 304. treatment of crew, u. Art. 6. Ratifications to be exchanged in persons under arrest, u. 49, 51. ten months, viii. 304. crimes not specified ii. 49. T t 'I R ' -1 petty officers," deiinition of, ii. 49. {:;:54:7;,, mma, December 15K' 183% 11-”I§11m°111* °f W‘1E°° and lm" 111°11°Y» 11- Article 1. Liberty of commerce and navicourts-martial ii 50 '1 g¤`ti0u’vm`444` _ » rs -1 · Art. 2. Tonnage duties reciprocally on the

 51 footing of the most favored nation, viii.

. . .. · · · 444. pgzngrispofll 51. Ar;13. flirlerglhandise imrzoigted) in me wes- . ‘ .‘ . . . .. s o e a pay tp contipueuwhrle in paptivrty, n. 52. I incremé d::,,};, :,¥,?Z46? e Su Jcc to

  • 1;:11,,)};, °“ 6*1 “°11°1`1 ° °11°111.Y B V°”° 1 Art. 41, The ame rule itc prevail, whether

‘ · . . suc vesse s arrive rom their ow r navy Feppron fund, §e§3Pe1r.stons, p. 130. ,-,,,.6,g,, pcm, vm_ 44E_ n 0 Ru,c;8'l}?1Z,;"t°’“1€r ”° · “· · Arté 5. Merchandise which may be import- ‘ * e in nationa vessels may be so in the P°w°1` Of ’“P“1“" °°“'t 1° makcv vessels of either party viii. 446. {5S5g3E1I11g I;1`°§§gS» 1- 276} V- 518- Art. 6. No higher dutied shall be imposed ‘ ‘ th th ss z¢¤¤;:;Ir·;;>$;$§¤l;>r:=;;»`j·1gg,<;¤¤wb 1- 83. 335- bbliiirdgs. iiriuriilshaiiiigllb siiiilieggii Rum-My. CMMS. P°11S1°11’1°s vi- 15-r Adi?} q`he4i:?>asting mae excepted from Rumincr, Daniel, pension to, vi. 178. article, 2 3 4 5 6 vm 448. Rumwwv- S¤5= F•¢gi¢i¤·=#» 11- Z1- Are. 2. o¤A.J1b,'s£c.Their aumbriry and 11;**27121:, g<$;*;1’;v ;l’5)1`°i;1’1*;Tg1’1 {*113 111- 749· privileges. Consuls to judge and arbi- “”· sv- ·_ t tta` s 4. Rush Islrind, title to, to be ascertained, v. 504. Arg; lré;:,:,,]: fngglrfqgra the uid Rush., Ru:/lard, allowance t0, for extra SBIVICCS, of 100,,] authorities to ,,,.,.,,8, d8sc,.w,.s_ vi- 892 D r i b b ir ur r Russ, Joseph, and umol/ter, claim ol} to be set- m;:;:; 1.,,,,3 4f3_58m ac W1 m our

  • 1***1 V1- 624- A t. 10. s s ‘ t 1 st te a

,...,1q._u;,... be paid rb. rbage, vi- uz. _ ’.r.,,.,..r }lf§f.Elf"$r£ ‘1i’i€.°”° ° “ 765 W1""" mv dmwbacks “11°w°d t°v V1- Art. 11. Favors granted to other nations · _ shall b m i". 450. Russell, Daniel, increase of pension to, vr. 115. Am y2_ °·;¥,?;c,:;;ly :;1’;,;,,d to poland, ···"";dG'·ll'8€g cw *11111111 *10 f°1` €XP°11S“s 1° be and to continue in force until January 1, P111 1 V1- · 1839, viii. 450. —————-——-——. vq1¤¤ <>f_rr¤p¢r¤y ¤¤<1 1¤1><>r Art.13. nmaebuers to be exchanged 110 111 be ‘1s°°1`1°·111“'1» V1- 333- within twelve months, viii. 450. ··"""_""’"""» 1111°VV1111°° 1·°o f°1` damagcsw Sepm·ate.drticls, viii. 450. V1- 3*17- _ _ . Certain stipulations which relate to the ······‘» ·l”·”*·°·’» P°11S1°11 1°o Vr 123 _ _ commerce between Russia, Prussia, Swe· -—-, Joshua, allowed to relinquish certain dm., and Norway, ,,0, to be connected land, vi. 286. with this treaty viii. 450. -·—·—·¤ Ou'°'”'· P°11*1°11 1°• V1- 111- Russian Ships, discriminating duties repealed —-—, Samuel, allowance to, v1. 336. _ as to, ,v_ 2; and Appmdin ., Suit, and Sons, duties refunded fo, W- Rugs-wurm, Lieutenant William, commutation 133. _ _ _ of halfipay allowed to, vi. 719. ···""‘f¤ ];’{l1i~m. 1*11111 **1*11111 *11; 1*1 be Bxammcdv Rutgers, Jrund, authorized to locate lands, vi. vi. o . 414.

—--- land patent to issue to vi. R _; · h · t · 3

» v yan eremta , pension o vi. . ‘198· Rybedkcr, Ja/tn, increase oflpension to, vi. 77. Russia, _ _ Ryneason, Mimiy, pension to, vi. 154. act to enforce treaty of April 17, 1824, with, iv. 276. Convcutinn. with, of April .,5,,, 1824, viii. S- 302. Sabin Elihu, pension to, vi. 25 93. Article 1. Navigation and fisheries of the ---1 Flavil, account of] to be’scttled, vi. 186. Pacific to be free to both parties, viii. S:wketts’ Harbor, proprietors in, to be paid for 302. wood vi. 327. Art. 2. Illicit trade to be prevented, viii. Sac and 1*:01 Indians, 302. treaty with, of January 9, 1780, vii. 28. Art. 3. No establishment 'to be formed treaty with, of November 3, 1804, vii. B4.