Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 8.djvu/809

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GENERAL INDEX. |53 Sardinia, (continued,) 3,;,,,,,,,,;, E, N, _, A i _ _ exemptions of those of the most favored tain; vif658? , to be pn d hun-my of car nations. _ Consuls engaging in commerce Schnabel, George, receipts of} to be received for to be subject to the same laws and regu- land, vi. 876. laiions to which individuals are subject, Schmdde, Theodore .4., to be paid for advances vn:. 518., _ I to troops, vi. 232. Art. .16. Citizens or subjects of one party, Se/tooners, certain tonnzure duties remitted vi. being appointed consuls by the other, to 18. ° l be subject to the laws of the country to Sc/zoonour, Samuel, pension to vi. 179. which they belong, viii. 518. Schoultz and Vocrelsr, to be dompensated for Art. 17. Consuls may require the aid of the property desllroyed, vi. 150. civil authorities to arrest deserters. De- Sehraek, Lewis, to be for ride-stocks vi. sertetiis must gw sent back within three 403. l mon s, viii. 20. Schulte, Cas ar C. bonds of 0 '. Art. 18. Power to dispose of personal 173. P l A be cancelled, H goods. In case of real estate, alien heirs Schwartztrawber, Philauto be paid for ervices allowed time to dispose of the same, viii. vi. 940. ’ 520. Seire Faeias, Art. 19. The treaty to continue in force for writs of] i. 81, 90. ten years, &c., viii. 520. to Bunk of United States, iii. 276. Art. 20. Ratilications to be exchanged Scozmc, George, pension to, vi. 57. within ten months, viii. 522. Scotland, Thomas, pension to, vi. 113. Separate Article, viii. 522. Scott, Alexander, to be reimbursed fur expenses, the United States to establish ¢Iifi'erentia.l vi. 121. duties upon certain goods, viii. 522. —————-—-i, allowance to, vi. 318. discriminating duties on vessels of, iv. 2. ————-·—-—-·, to be paid for services, vi. 436. Sargent, John, pension to, vi. 233. ——-, Amasa, pension to, vi. 24. Sargent, Winthrop, appropriation to, for forage, —-, Charles, increase of pension to, vi. 68. i. 339. -—-, David, increase of pension to, vi. 180. Sarpy, Gregoire, land patent to issue to, vi. —-, Edward, pension to, vi. 3. 854. —-—, Eleazer, pension to, vi. 364. Sartzgin, Joel, allowance to, for a. horse lost, vi. —-, Elizalwzh, land warrant to issue to, vi 26. 524. Satterwhite, Edwin T., account cf, to be settled -—-—·-—-—-, payment to, vi. 542. and paid, vi. 121, 132. -—-, Hector, debentures to be paid to, vi. 325. Saueier, Jean Baptiste, land title confirmed to, -—, James, pension to, vi. 653. vi. 530. —-——-—, allowed to enter certain land, v. Saunders, Isaac D., land certificate to issue to, 715. vi. 776. -—-, John, amount of a certificate to be paid -—-———-, John, and another, allowance to, vi. to, vi. 392. 625. —--———·, interest allowed to, vi. 440.` —-—-——, Joseph, increase of pension to, vi. 76. -————-, pension to, vi. 656. —-—--——-—, payment to, vi. 185. -——·-—-—, to be paid for damages, vi. 855. ——-———, William, and others, judgments ———, Richard, pension to, vi. 73. against, to be held as security, vi. 429. ——·, Samuel, pension to, vi. 179. Saunderson, Moses, pension to, vi. 26. --, Yhonrus, pension to, vi. 418. _ Savage, James, claim of, to be settled and paid, -——,z]P7Wlliam, pension allowed to, vi. 33, 74, vi. 155. · »-—-——, Captain Teakle, and his Associates, al- -—---——, pension to, vi. 505. Iownuce to, vi. 194. —-, Major- General, --—~, William H., allowance for rent to, vi. thanks of congress to, iii. 247. 133. use ofhis “Ta.ctics," iii. 616, 686; vi. 770. Savannah, Suferers by Fire in, credit for duties Scribner, Nathaniel, pension allowed t0, vi. 25. extended to, vi. 241. Scrivener, James, payment to be made to, vi. 517. Savannah, -—-—, John, allowance tc, for property deport duty at, iii. 331, 683. stroyed, vi. 866. l I l obstructions of harbor oi, iv. 173. Scudder, William Smith, pension allowed to, vn. streets in, v. 311. 26. _ _ Savings Institution of Louisville, interest on Seull, James, lsnd patent to u ue to, v1. 498. money in, to be deducted, vi. 756. Seaburn, James, excess of duty to be refunded Sawtell, Hezekiah, pension to, vi. 80. to, vi. 857.___ Sawyer, Abraham, increase of pension to, vi. Sea, fencxbles, m. 47, 114, 219. 93. Sea Gull, pensions of officers and crew 0iQv -———·, James Lucius, to be paid for services, Sml665, 667. vi. 474. y -—-—-, Samuel, pension tc, vi. 25, 124. of United §tn.tes,li. 68. _ Sayre, James, pension to, vi. 737. of courts, .1. 93, 187, 276. ---, Stephen, allowance to, vi. 65. of territories, 1. 286._ I Schell, George, pension to, vi. 3. to be allrxedl to C'&?mD]1SBIODB,1. 68. Seheltz, Christopher, allowed to enter certain Sewlctters, of ships, u. 209, 568. land, v. 715. Seamen, _ _ _ Sehenk, Peter, discharge of judgment against, government and lregulntnon of, in mer iii. 423. chants' service, x. 131. v01.. vm. 20