Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 8.djvu/816

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160 GENERAL INDEX. Spain, (continued.) Spain, (continued.) Art. 16. What articles shall be deemed January 24, 1818, null and void, viii. contraband, viii. 146. 258. Art. 17. Regulations respecting passports Art. 9. Reciprocal renunciation of claims. and sea-letters, viii. 148. Renunciution of claims for tmn uctions Art. 18. Vessels shall exhibit passports to in the Floridas. Satisfaction by United ships of war, viii. 148. States for injuries to the inhabitants of Art. 19. Consuls, viii. 150. Florida, viii. 258. Art. 20. Courts of justice to be open to Art. 10. Convention of August, 1809, ancitizens of each nation, viii. 150. nulled, viii. 260. Art. 21. Compensation to be made to citi- Art. 11. United States to satisfy claims of zens of United States for illegal captures their citizens to the amount of five milof vessels by Spanish subjects. Com- lions of dollars. Three commissioners to missioners to ascertain the same, viii. be appointed to decide upon claims. 150. Commissioners to take an oath, &.c. Art. 22. Mutual commerce between the Commissioners may hear und examine nations to receive extension and favor. on oath, &.c. Spanish ipverument to Spanish permits to citizens of the United fnmish documents, &.c. ecords of pro- States to dispose of goods at the city of ceedings, &c., to be deposited in depart.- New Orleens, viii. 150. ment of state. Copies to be furnished Art. 23. Ratifications to be exchanged in to the Spanish government, if required, six months, viii. 152. viii. 260, 262. A Convention with, for Indcmnijicutizms for Art. 12. Treaty of 1795 confirmed, with Lnssz.1, August 11, 1802. Ratiiied by exceptions. Neutral Hag to cover enethe United States Jununry 9, 1804, and my’s property, where, viii. 262. by the king of Spain July 9, 1818, viii. Art. 13. Sailors deserting to be delivered 198. up on proof, &.c., viii. 262. Article 1. A hoard of five commissioners to Art. 14. United States certify that they bc appointed, viii. 198. receive no compensation from France for Art. 2. Commissioners to take an onth, claims provided for in this treaty, viii viii. 198. 262. Art. 3. Commissioners to meet and sit at Art. 15. Spanish vessels laden with Spun- Madrid to receive claims, &.c., viii. 198. ish productions admitted into Florida Art. 4. Commissioners may examine nny without higher duties than vessels of the question on oath, viii. 198. United States, for twelve years, viii. 262 Art. 5. No appeal from the commissioners. Art. 16. Treaty to be ratified, and ratifica- Awcrds to be paid in specie, viii. 198. tions exchanged, viii. 264. Art. 6. Rights founded on claims original- Ratification by the king of Spain of the ing from excesses of foreign cruisers, rc- treaty of February 22, 1819, viii. 264. served by each party, viii. 200. Grants in favor of the duke of Alagon, the Art. 7. Convention eflective on exchange count of Punon Rostro, and Don Pedro of ratificctions, viii. 200. de Vargas, annulled, viii. 266. Trcatz of Amity, Scttlcmcnl, and Limits, Copy of the grants annulled by the treaty, wit , of February 22, 1819, October 29, viii. 267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 272, 273. 1820, viii. Convention for the Settlement of Claims Iw- Notes of decisions of the supreme court in tween the United States and Her Catholic cases arising under this treaty, viii. 252. Majesty, February 17, 1834, viii. 460. Article 1. Firm nnd inviolable pence and Article]. Agreement by Spain toindemnifriendship, viii. 254. fy the United States. The sum of twelve Art. 2. His Catholic majesty codes the million reals vellon to be paid, viii. 460. Floridas. What things are included in Art. 2. The interest to be paid in Paris, the cession, viii. 254. half yearly, viii. 460. Art. 3. Boundary linc west of the Missis- Art. 3. All claims on Spain granted prior sippi, according to Mellish’s map of Jun- to the date of this convention to be canuary 1, 1818. The use of the waters of celled, viii. 460. the Sabine, Red River, und Arkansas, Art. 4. List of claims to be delivered to common to both nations. Territorial the Spanish minister, viii. 462. renunciations corresponding with the Art. 5. Rntincctions to be exchanged withboundary line, viii. 254. in six months, viii. 462. Art. 4. Commissioner and surveyor to be Translation of the form or model of the inappointcd by each party to run the boun- scription of the debt assumed by Spain, dar line, viii. 256. viii. 462. Art. Free exercise of religion in the Spalding, Josiah, pension to, vi. 25. ceded territories, &c., viii. 256. -——-———, Samuel, and another, claim of, to be ht. 6. Inhabitants of the ceded territories settled, vi. 308. to be incorporated into the Union, &c., Sparks, Orson, and another, allowance to, for viii. 256. horses lost, vi. 405. \rt. 7. Spanish troops to be withdrawn, ——-—, Rialiard, land claim of, when to be enand possession given within six months tered, ii. 401. *‘ after exchange of ratilicutions, viii. 258. Spaulding, Ebenezer, patent fees to be returned ht. 8. Grants of land before the 24th of to, vi. 670. January, ]818, confirmed, &c. Owners Spears, Dixon, authorized to exchange land, vi to ihitil the conditions Grants since 472.