Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 8.djvu/820

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164 GENERAL INDEX. Sturges, Salomon, authorized to enter land in Supreme Court, (continued.) I lieu of other, vi. 786, 926. appellate jurisdiction oi, 1. 18. Smrgqss, J, 8,,, allowance tg, vi, 918, from circuit court,.ou error or appeal, Submarine, i. 84 ; ii. 244; rin. 481; v. 393, 539, battery, to be tested, ii. 569 ; v. 584. 658. ___ telescope, to be tested, v. 667. on division ofoprmon, r1. 159. Subornation, from state courts, i. 85:. of perjury, i. 116. from territorral courts, 11.338; rn. 752; how indictment framed, i. 116. iv. 81, See udppeals, pto. $’ubpwmt, · _ from district courts, 1. 78, 81 ; ni. 598; for witnesses, into what districts to run, 1. xv. 192. _ 335. from courts in District of Columbia. in cose of depositions, i. 88 ; iv. 197. See District of Columbia, p. 52. _ contempts cf, punished, iv. 199, 200. from decisions respecting public Subscription, ground in Washington, m. 693. to Folwell’s Journals of Congress, i. 755. judges of; entitled to use of library of conto Bioren and Duane`s edition of Laws, iii. gress, ii. 786. 129. duties of chief justice of, in relation to the to Little and Brown's edition of Laws, v. mint, i. 250; ii. 111. 798. as commissioner of sinking fund. See to state papers, iii. 259. Sinking Fund, p. 157. to work on statistics, iii. 464 ; iv. 260, 613. seal ot, i. 187. Sub- Treasury, act establi hing, v. 385; re- reports of, iii. 376, 768; iv. 205; v. 545. pealed, v. 439. - power of, to make rules. See Rules of Sugar, Court, p. 151. refined, dutie and drawback on, (obsolete justices not to attend more tiiau one term acts,) i. 384, 495, 509; iii. 35. of circuit court in any district annually, in force, iii. 338, 640. v. 676 appropriation to procure a manual and ap- printing for, how done, v. 690. _ paratus for testing, for use of custom- one judge to attend annually at Washinghouses, v. 641. ton on first Monday of August, to make in what vessels may be imported, i. 701. orders, ii. 156 ; repealed, v. 322. _ Sngart, Eli, pension to, vi. 417. times and places of session, i. 73, 621; ii. Suns, 156; iv. 160; v. 676. how removed from state courts, i. 79, 80 ; removal in case of contagious sickness, i. and see iii. 198, 233, 396. 621. consolidation of, iii. 21. oaths of justices, i. 76. Sullivan, Daniel, land claim confirmed to heirs allotment of circuits, i. 253, 333; ii. 157, ot, ii. 800. 158, 244, 471 ; v. 178, 507. --—-—-, James B., authorized to complete a adjournment of, i. 76, 620; iv. 332. land purchase, vi. 905. compensation of justices, i. 72; iii. 484. -—-··--, Mary, claim ofi to be settled, vi. 209. precedence of justices, i. 73. Summerl, Joseph, drawback allowed to repre- issues of fact in, to be tried by jury, i. 81. sentatives of, vi. 300. power to issue writs, i. 81, 334 ; iii. 595. Smnmors, Joseph, allowed to withdraw entries for regulations as to practice, see Praeof land, vi. 101. tina, p. 140; and as to process, see Pro- Sumptcr, Henry, Heirs aj, authorized to rclin- cess, p. 141. For other topics, see the . quish and enter land, vi. 630. respective title . —-—--, T/wma:, accounts of; to be settled, vi. power to make rules, i. 83, 335 5 v. 518, 747. 539. Supcrintenzlenl, Surety, general, of supplies, (obsolete acts,) ii. 816; for good behavior, i. 609. iii. 81, 366. on custom-house bonds, priority of, i. 676. at Springfield and Harpefs Ferry, iii. Sur arms. See Medical Department, pp. 111, 323. g112. of Indian a&`airs at St. Louis, iii. 683; and Surget, Peter, Catharine, and Charles, Represee Indian Afairs, p. 87. scntatius aj, authorized to locate land, vi of military stores, i. 352; ii. 61, 733, 816; 509. iu. 366. Surplus Fund, ofstamps, ii. 40,148. appropriations uuexpended for two years of public buildings, ii. 175. to be carried to, i. 437. Supcrsvdcas, of execution, i. 85 exception of appropriations for war and Supervisors, of revenue, i. 660; ii. 244. navy departments, iii. 689. Supplies. See Purchases, p. 144. exception of the annual appropriation Supreme Court, of $200,000 for militia, iii. 320. organization ot, i. 17, 73; ii. 156 3 iv. 332; nnexpended appropriations in war and navy v. 176. department to be carried to, iii. 567. repealed act of 1801, ii. 89, 132. $1,500,000 to be carried to, from an appronumber of judges, i. 73, 421 ; v. 176. priatiou for improvement of the navy, v how many constitute a quorum, i. 73 5 234.

 156; v. 176. Surplus Revenue,

precedence of justices, 1. 73. distribution oi] v. 55, 207. original jurisdiction ot] i. 17, 80 suspended, v. 201.