Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 8.djvu/824

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IGS GENERAL INDEX. Tennessee Riéer, improvement ofZ See Navi- Dwyer, Simeon, pension to, v1. 12. gation, p. 120. _ Thqfl, _ _ r Tmnillc, Francis, allowance to representatives of public records, 1. lla. _ of] as an indemnity for a land claim, vi. o§prZate property,_1.1ll;6; iv. 116. 410. 0 pu ic property 1. . ·—-··—, William A., allowance to, for services, of bank properfty, 8, 119. vi. 521. concea ment 0 iv. . ———-—-————————, pension tc, vi. 530. in navy, i. 711.,712; ii. 48. _ Tcmnisvn, Samuel, payment to, vi. 185. Thcobald, Francis R., line to be refunded to, vn _ Tern aux Btzufs, Inhabitants aj§ land claims 640. _ confirmed to, vi. 498. Therese, Marie, land title confirmed to repregcrrgll, [nel, pension to, vi. 139. Th sengtives of,0vii]271._d f b d b nd v_ crrtlorws cus mean, e pax or a 0 s, r. establishment and government oi} ordi— 4d9. _ _ nance of 1787, i. 51, note. Thibault, John B., Heirs nj] entitled to exchange north-west of Ohio River, i. 50, 285; ii. land, vi. 529. _ 350. U I l Thistle, Hezekiah L., to be paid for a horse killed south of Ohio River, 1. 123, 285. See par- vi. 859. _ _ ticular territories. Tlwlazan, Jalm. Elzc, land claim of, to be examapportionment of representation in, v. 670. ined, vi. 571. _ _ district attorney and marshal in, ii. 806. Thomas, an Indian, pension to, vi. 305. general provision as to jurisdiction of su- —————, Charles, appropriation to pay accounts , perior courts of ii. 338. ofQ v. 265 698. _ general provisionias to delegates from, iii. ——-—-·—, Israel, pension to, vi. 896. I d d 363. -——-—- James accounts of to be sett e ,an · seglement of account for disbursements alloivanee nude to, vi. 16B. I d 679 or v. 541. 1;-— claim of to e sett e vi. . for pi·ovisionshrespe;:ting· particular terri- Thomas, Jesse d Spe llahalza, vg. 532 tories, see their tit es. ——-, Joe an c aim con rme to, vi. . laws of} to be printed annually, v. 541. —-—--, Jalni, accounts of, to be settled, vi. power of congress over, i. 19. 266. _ Tcrvin, Richard, certificate of land granted to, 1-7-,5ve years’ pay allowed to, vn. conditionally vi. 99. 54 . Tevebmegh, Jacob: land claim coniirmed to heirs ————-—-—, and Company, to be paid fm- flour, of, ii. 800. vi. 301. Taste, of writs, i. 93, 123, 275. ----—-- H., land claim conirmed to, vi. Tovtimony. See Evidence, p. 60. Deposition, 488. _ p. 47. -—--, Joseph S., claim of, to be settled and Texas, paid, vi. 155. runningend marking boundary of, v. 312, —-———, Judith, Widow of John, five years’ 487. halfipay allowed to vi. 585. persons found to be within the limits of, ——-—-, General Philzwimn, authorized to enter allowed to bring buck their property, v. land, vi. 592. 674. ·-;-, Pierre, land. claim confirmed to, vi. resolution for the annexation oi to the 499. United States, v. 797. Wwmpson, Lieutenant- Colonel Alexander R., convention of April 11, 1838, with, respect- claim of, to be settled and paid, vi. 806, 904, ing reclamations for certain injuries, viii. 942. 723 510. —-—-, Amos pension to vi. . convention of April 25, 1838, with, respect- —--————, Benjamin, grant Ls land tc, vi. 43. ing boundary of, viii. 511. -—-—-, James, certain debentures to be paid Tlum/mr, James S., settlement of accounts cf, v. to, vi. 187.

 --—---, John, account of; to be settled` and

Thacker, Reuben, pension to, vi. 190. paid, vi. 108. Thames, resolution respecting the victory ol, —--;----, interest to be allowed to, vi. iii. 476. 208. Thanks aj: Qongrus, ---—--·--, to be paid for materials, vi. to British officers for eil`orts to save steam- 558. Sear Missouri, v. 720. ----—---—-, Jr., to be paid for services as e also names of particular persons. clerk vi. 572. TI:a·n.ksgiving_;[3`or Ppacc, pgesident requested to —-·————;—---, allowance to, for services, vi. appoint a ay 0 iii. 0. 798. Tlunrp, William, clairn of; to be settled and paid, —-—-—t B., land warrant to be issued vi. 354. to vi. 65, 66. ——-—·h—-——-, accounts of, to be settled, and ——-L-, Manlius PZ, payment to, vi. 923. a owance to vi. 476. —-—-. Mary W. allowance to in full for --3--?\—j-Q,8, indemniiied for endorsing a, her claim, vi. 86;}. t to _ glu ra vi. . —--———-—-— paymen vi. . ~—-—-——;·--3-, clpim of, for a fee paid, to be —-·--—-—-—--—-: claim of] lo be settled, vi. examine vi. 17. 942. Thatcher, Szaplecn, allowance to, vi. 329. -——-—-——, Nathaniel, pension to, vi. 178. T/mycr, Lieuiienaaéfalonel, settleinent of ac- ——-———-—, Samuel, to e paid for blankets, vi count o ,iv. 4. 558.