Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 80 Part 1.djvu/1035

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[80 STAT. 999]
PUBLIC LAW 89-000—MMMM. DD, 1966
[80 STAT. 999]

80 STAT.]

PUBLIC LAW 8 9 - 6 8 8 - O C T. 15, 1966


"(e) that in view of the importance of achieving the earliest possible institution of significant national activities related to the development of marine resources, it is the purpose of this title to provide for the establishment of a program of sea grant colleges and education, training, and research in the fields of marine science, engineering, and related disciplines. "GRANTS AND CONTRACTS FOR SEA GRANT COIXEGES AND PROGRAMS

"SEC. 203. (a) The provisions of this title shall be administered by Administration the National Science Foundation (hereafter in this title referred to as sci^nce°Founthe'Foundation'). dation. " (b)(1) For the purjpose of carrying out this title, there is authorized to be appropriated to the Foundation for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1967, not to exceed the sum of $5,000,000, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1968, not to exceed the sum of $15,000,000, and for each subsequent fiscal year only such sums as the Congress may hereafter specifically authorize by law. "(2) Amounts appropriated under this title are authorized to I'emain available until expended. "MARINE RESOURCES

"Sec. 204. (a) I n carrying out the provisions of this title the Foundation shall (1) consult with those experts engaged in pursuits in the various fields related to the development of marine resources and with all departments and agencies of the Federal Government (including the United States Office of Education in all matters relating to education) interested in, or affected by, activities in any such fields, and (2) seek advice and counsel from the National Council on Marine Resources and Engineering Development as provided by section 205 of this title. " (b) The Foundation shall exercise its authority under this title .



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Research programs, e t c.

"(1) initiating and supporting programs at sea grant colleges and other suitable institutes, laboratories, and public or private agencies for the education of participants in the various fields relating to the development of marine resources; "(2) initiating and supporting necessary research programs in the various fields relating to the development of marine resources, with preference given to research aimed at practices, techniques, and design of equipment applicable to the development of marine resources; and "(3) encouraging and developing programs consisting of instruction, practical demonstrations, publications, and otherwise, by sea grant colleges and other suitable institutes, laboratories, and public or private agencies through marine advisory programs with the object of imparting useful information to persons currently employed or interested in the various fields related to the development of marine resources, the scientific community, and the general public. " (c) Programs to carry out the purposes of this title shall be accom- contracts or plished through contracts with, or grants to, suitable public or private s""^"*^institutions of higher education, institutes, laboratories, and public or private agencies which are engaged in, or concerned with, activities in the various fields related to the development of marine resources, for the establishment and operation by them of such programs.