Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 80 Part 1.djvu/1412

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[80 STAT. 1376]
PUBLIC LAW 89-000—MMMM. DD, 1966
[80 STAT. 1376]


PUBLIC LAW 89-785-NOV. 7, 1966

[80 STAT.

"§ 5057. Reports to Congress "The Administrator shall submit to the Congress not more than sixty days after the end of each fiscal year separate reports on the activities carried out under sections 5053 and 5054 of this subchapter, each report to include (1) an appraisal of the effectiveness of the programs authorized herein and the degree of cooperation from other sources, financial and otherwise, and (2) recommendations for the improvement or more effective administration of such programs." SEC. 2. The section analysis at the beginning of chapter 81 of title 38, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end thereof the following: "SUBCHAPTER IV—SHARING OF MEDICAL FACILITIES, EQUIPMENT, AND INFORMATION "5051. Statement of congressional purpose. "5052, Definitions. "5053. Specialized medical resources. "5054. Exchange of medical information. "5055. Pilot programs; grants to medical schools, "5056. Coordination with programs carried out under the Heart Disease, Cancer, and Stroke Amendments of 1965. "5075. Reports to Congress."




SEC. 301. Section 210 of title 38, United States Code, is amended by adding " (1) " immediately after " (c) " and the following new paragraph: "(2) If the Administrator determines that benefits administered by the Veterans' Administration have not been provided by reason of administrative error on the part of the Federal Government or any of its employees, he is authorized to provide such relief on account of such error as he determines equitable, including the payment of moneys to any person whom he determines equitably entitled thereto." LEASE OF MOTOR VEHICLES OR AIRCRAFT

SEC. 302. Section 213 of title 38, United States Code, is amended by adding the following sentence: "The Administrator may also enter into contracts or agreements with private concerns or public agencies for the hiring of passenger motor vehicles or aircraft for official travel whenever, in his judgment, such arrangements are in the interest of efficiency or economy." TRANSPORTATION OF EMPLOYEES IN EMERGENCIES

SEC. 303. (a) Section 233 of title 38, United States Code, is amended by inserting " (a) " at the beginning thereof, and by adding a new subsection " (b) " to read as follows: "(b) The Administrator, when he determines that an emergency situation exists and that such action is necessary for the effective conduct of the affairs of the Veterans' Administration, may utilize Government-owned, or leased, vehicles to transport employees to and from their place of employment and the nearest adequate public transportation, or, if such public transportation is either unavailable or not feasible to use, to and from their place of employment and their home. The Administrator shall establish reasonable rates to cover the cost of the service rendered, and all proceeds collected therefrom shall be applied to the applicable appropriation."