Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 80 Part 1.djvu/1459

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[80 STAT. 1423]
PUBLIC LAW 89-000—MMMM. DD, 1966
[80 STAT. 1423]

80 STAT.]

PUBLIC LAW 8 9 - 7 8 9 - N O V. 7, 1966


to other Fecleial ajjeiicies and local interests for their use in planning io ameliorate the flood hazard. Surveys and guides will be made for States and political subdivisions thereof only upon the request of a State or a political subdivision thereof, and upon approval by the Chief of Engineers, and such information and advice provided them only upon such request and approval. " (b) The Secretary of the Army is authorized to expend Jiot to Appropriation. exceed $7,000,000 per fiscal year for the compilation and dissemination of information under this section." SEC. 207. The project for the improvement of the Mississippi Eiver tribufin^T^"^^^^^ below Cape Girardeau with respect to the West Tennessee tributaries, Gas lines, reauthorized in the Flood Control Act of 1948, is hereby modified to ^°g2*s°at ii78 provide that the Secretary of the Army, acting through the Chief of Engineers, shall, subsequent to enactment of this Act, relocate at Federal expense all gas transmission lines required to be relocated by this project, or at his discretion, reimburse local interests for such I'elocations made by them. SEC. 208. Section 2 of the Act of June 28, 1879 (21 Stat. 37; 8H Mississippi U.S.C. 642), is amended (1) by inserting in the third sentence thereof ^•onl,l°1'^'^' after "and the commissioners appointed under this Act" a comma appointment, etc. the following: "except those appointed from civil life," and (2) by adding at the end thereof the following new sentence: "Each commissioner appointed from civil life after the date of enactment of this sentence shall be appointed for a term of nine years." SEC. 209. The Secretary of the Army is hereby authorized and n^foVc^ntroTand directed to cause surveys for flood control and allied purposes, includ- amed purposes. ing channel and major drainage improvements, and floods aggravated by or due to wind or tidal effects, to be made under the direction of the Chief of Engineers, in drainage areas of the United States and its territorial possessions, which include the localities specifically named in this section. After the regular or formal reports made on any Reports to consurvey authorized by this section are submitted to Congress, no sup- ^'•^^^• plemental or additional report or estimate shall be made unless authorized by law except that the Secretary of the Army may cause a review of any examination or survey to be made and a report thereon submitted to Congress, if such review is required by the national defense or by changed physical or economic conditions. Watersheds and streams of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands, with respect to a framework plan for developing water resources of the region. Watersheds and streams within the alluvial valley of the Mississippi River below Cairo, Illinois, with respect to a framework plan for developing water resources of the region. Watersheds and streams draining into the Great Lakes including the lake areas within the United States, and into the St. Lawrence River at points within the United States with respect to a framework plan for developing water resources of the region. The Souris River and the Red River of the north and tributaries within the United States, including adjacent streams in Minnesota draining into Canada, with respect to a framework plan for developing water resources of the region. The Arkansas, White, and Red Rivers and tributaries, exclusive of their drainage lying in the alluvial valley of the Mississippi River, with respect to a framework plan for developing water resources of t he region. Watersheds and streams and their tributaries which drain into the Gulf of Mexico along the coastline of Texas, exclusive of the Rio