Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 80 Part 1.djvu/1829

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[80 STAT. B41]
PUBLIC LAW 89-000—MMMM. DD, 1966
[80 STAT. B41]


SUBJECT INDEX Labor-Management Relations Act, 1947, Page appropriation for effecting provisions 1401, 1402 Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act, appropriation for effecting provisions 1380 Labor-Management Services Administration, appropriation for 1380 Labor Relations Board, National, appropriation for 160, 1401 Labor Standards, Bureau of, appropriation for 157, 1380 Labor Statistics, Bureau of, appropriation for 157, 1381 Lake Ontario Claims Tribunal, United States and Canada, appropriation for 1483 Land Conservation and Utilization, programs for 1478 Land Management, Bureau of, appropriation for 143, 170, 1059 Latin American Countries, housing projects guaranties 798 Law Enforcement Assistance Act of 1965: Amendments, extension and increased funds 1506 Appropriation for effecting provisions.. 1064 Law Enforcement and the Administration of Justice, Commission on, appropriation for 234, 371, 859, 1065, 1502 Legislative Appropriation Act, 1956, Amendment, Senate committee employees, compensation 357 Legislative Branch Appropriation Act, 1946, Amendment, Vice President and Senators, long-distance telephone calls 357 Legislative Branch Appropriation Act, 1967 354 Legislative Branch of the Government. See also Congress; House of Representatives; Senate. Appropriation Act, 1967 354 Appropriation for 147, 151, 233, 1063 Architect of the Capitol. See separate title. Employees, compensation rate, increase. 294 Lewis and Clark Trail Commission: Appropriation for 188 Membership, inclusion of State of Illinois; increased appropriation authorization 229 Libraries: Grants, appropriation for 1062 John F. Kennedy Library, Cambridge, Mass., acceptance by General Services Administration as a Presidential archival depository, authorization 370

Libraries—Continued Page Presidential libraries, copies of Government publications for 956 Library of Congress: Appropriation for 152, 366, 1064 Blind, appropriation for books 367, 1064 Copyright Office, appropriation for 366 Handicapped persons, reading material, musical scores, etc., circulation 330 Legislative Reference Service, appropriation for 366 Librarian, membership on American Revolution Bicentennial Commission. 259 Supergrades, additional positions, authorization 878 Library of Medicine, National, appropriationfor 146, 1394 Library Services and Construction Act, Amendments: Extension of program; appropriation authorization 313 Interlibrary cooperation 314 Physically handicapped, library services to 316 Specialized State library services 315 Library Services and Construction Act Amendments of 1966 313 Literacy Day, International, designation.. 370 Longshoremen's and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act, appropriation for effecting provisions 1380 Louisiana, judicial district, additional judges 75 M Maine: Acadia'National Park, land exchange.. 866 Mount Desert Island Regional School District, land conveyance to 866 Manganese Dioxide, Battery-Grade Synthetic, disposition from national stockpile 1155 Manganese Ore, disposition from national stockpile, authorization 348 Manpower Administration, appropriation for.. 157, 1378 Manpower Development and Training Act of 1962: Amendments— Annual reports 1437 Correctional institutions 1437 Extension of demonstration projects.. 1434 Training provisions 1434-1437 Work experience and training programs 1475 Appropriation for effecting provisions.. 1378, 1379 Manpower Development and Training Amendments of 1966 1434