80 STAT. ]
PUBLIC LAW 89-504-JULY 18, 1966
SEC. 403. Section 3542(c) of title 39, United States Code, is amended— (1) by striking out "7 cents per mile or major fraction thereof" and inserting in lieu thereof "10 cents per mile or major fraction thereof"; and (2) by striking out "90 cents per hour" and inserting in lieu thereof "$1.25 per hour".
74 Stat. 646.
SEC. 404. (a) Section 201 of the Federal Employees Pay Act of 1945, as amended (5 U.S.C. 911), is amended— (1) by inserting "or, with the exception of employees engaged in professional or technical engineering or scientific activities for whom the first forty hours of duty in an administrative workweek is the basic workweek and employees whose basic compensation exceeds the minimum rate of grade GS-10 of the Classification Act of 1949, as amended, for whom the first forty hours of duty in an administrative workweek is the basic workweek, in excess of eight hours in a day" immediately following "in excess of forty hours in any administrative workweek"; and (2) by striking out "grade G S - 9 " wherever it occurs therein and inserting in lieu thereof "grade GS-10". (b) Section 202 of such Act, as amended (5 U.S.C. 912), is amended by striking out "grade G S - 9 " and inserting in lieu thereof "grade GS-10". (c) Section 401 of such Act, as amended (5 U.S.C. 926), is amended by striking out "grade G S - 9 " wherever it occurs therein and inserting in lieu thereof "grade GS-10". (d) Subsections (b) and (c) of section 3573 of title 39, United States Code, are amended by striking out "level P F S - 7 " and "level P F S - 8 ", wherever appearing therein, and inserting in lieu thereof "level P F S - 1 0 " and "level P F S - 1 1 ", respectively.
^s Stat. 1109.
^9 Stat. 1115.
SEC. 405. (a) The heading of title III of the Federal Employees Pa}'^ Act of 1945, as amended, is amended to read as follows:
59 Stat. 298.
" TITLE III — C O M P E N S A T I O N FOR N I G H T, SUNDAY, AND HOLIDAY WORK" (b)(1) Section 302 of such Act, as amended (5 U.S.C. 922), is redesignated as section 303 of such Act. (2) Any reference in any provision of law to section 302 of the Federal Employees Pay Act of 1945, which is redesignated as section 303 of such Act by paragraph (1) of this subsection, shall be held and considered to refer to section 303 of such Act, as so redesignated. (c) Title III of such Act, as amended (5 U.S.C. 921 and following), is amended by inserting immediately following section 301 thereof the following: " C O M P E N S A T I O N FOR SUNDAY WORK
"SEC. 302. Any regularly scheduled eight-hour period of service which is not overtime work as defined in section 201 of this Act any part of which is performed within the period commencing at midnight
^s Stat. m o.