Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 80 Part 1.djvu/649

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[80 STAT. 613]
PUBLIC LAW 89-000—MMMM. DD, 1966
[80 STAT. 613]

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PUBLIC LAW 89-554-SEPT. 6, 1966

    • §512. Attorney General to advise heads of executive departments

"The head of an executive department may require the opinion of the Attorney General on questions of law arising in the administration of his department.

    • § 513. Attorney General to advise Secretaries of military departments

"When a question of law arises in the administration of the Department of the Army, the Department of the Navy, or the Department of the Air Force, the cognizance of which is not given by statute to some other officer from whom the Secretary of the military department concerned may require advice, the Secretary of the military department shall send it to the Attorney General for disposition.

    • § 514. Legal services on pending claims in departments and agencies

"When the head of an executive department or agency is of the opinion that the interests of the United States require the service of counsel on the examination of any witness concerning any claim, or on the legal investigation of any claim, pending in the department or agency, he shall notify the Attorney General, giving all facts necessary to enable him to furnish proper professional service in attending the examination or making the investigation, and the Attorney General shall provide for the service. "§515. Authority for legal proceedings; commission, oath, and salary for special attorneys " (a) The Attorney General or any other officer of the Department of Justice, or any attorney specially appointed by the Attorney General under law, may, when specifically directed by the Attorney General, conduct any kind of legal proceeding, civil or criminal, including grand jury proceedings and proceedings before committing magistrates, which United States attorneys are authorized by law to conduct, whether or not he is a resident of the district in which the proceeding is brought. "(b) Each attorney specially retained under authority of the Department of Justice shall be commissioned as special assistant to the Attorney General or special attorney, and shall take the oath required by law. Foreign counsel employed in special cases are not required to take the oath. The Attorney General shall fix the annual salary of a special assistant or special attorney at not more than $12,000. "§ 516. Conduct of litigation reserved to Department of Justice "Except as otherwise authorized by law, the conduct of litigation in which the United States, an agency, or officer thereof is a party, or is interested, and securing evidence therefor, is reserved to officers of the Department of Justice, under the direction of the Attorney General. "§ 517. Interests of United States in pending suits "The Solicitor General, or any officer of the Department of Justice, may be sent by the Attorney General to any State or district in the United States to attend to the interests of the United States in a suit pending in a court of the United States, or in a court of a State, or to attend to any other interest of the United States.

    • § 518. Conduct and argument of cases

" (a) Except when the Attorney General in a particular case directs otherwise, the Attorney General and the Solicitor General shall con-