Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 81.djvu/1313

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[81 STAT. A47]
PUBLIC LAW 90-000—MMMM. DD, 1968
[81 STAT. A47]

SUBJECT INDEX Economic opportunity program, college work-study program, average hours of work; Federal share of compensation__ Education Professions Development Act Amendment, teacher education fellowship program, extension Federally affected areas— Appropriation for assistance School construction— Disaster areas, assistance for Impacted areas, assistance for Gallaudet College, D.C., appropriation for Higher Education Act of 1965. See separate title. Housing loans to colleges, appropriation for Indiana University, Bloomington, Ind., duty-free entry of one mass spectrometer Israel Training Institute for Boys, assistance, appropriation for Jerusalem College for Women, Israel, assistance, appropriation for Land grant provisions, use of income for support of Memphis State University, Tenn., land conveyance to Mental retardation clinical facilities, grants for construction of university-affiliated Milk program, appropriation for Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, Mass., duty-free entry of one digital polarimeter National forest lands, exchange with public school districts Northfield and Mount Hermon Schools, East Northfield, Mass., duty-free entry of four octave carillon Northwestern University, Evanston, 111., duty-free entry of a Norwegian triaxial apparatus and a Weissenberg rheogoniometer Or Hachayim Girl's College of Israel, assistance, appropriation for Princeton University, Princeton, N.J., duty-free entry of one mass spectrometer and one rheogoniometer.. Richland School District, Wash., assistance payments to School lunch program, appropriation for Social work manpower and training, grants for expansion Teachers. See separate title. Temple Junior College, Temple, Tex., land conveyance 85-622 0-68—83

Page 194 81 820 391 810 806 405

359 1007 936 936 106 80 527 326 1012 531 1006

1007 936 1006 576 326 930



Texas Southmost College, Brownsville, Page Tex., land conveyance to Agriculture Department 250 Tufts University, Boston, Mass., dutyfree entry of one rheogoniometer. _ 1012 University of California, Riverside, Calif., duty-free entry of a carillon. 1007 Science and Technology, Office of, appropriation for 342 Second Liberty Bond Act, Amendments: Issuance of tax and loss bonds 778 Public debt limit, temporary increase. _ 4, 99 United States notes, maximum period to maturity, extension 99 Second Supplemental Appropriation Act, 1967 30 Secret Service, United States: Appropriation for 42, 114 Former Presidential family, extension of protection 466 Securities and Exchange Commission, appropriation for 51, 350 Selective Service Act. See Universal Military Training and Service Act. Selective Service System, appropriation for 33, 350 Senate. See also Congress; Legislative Branch of the Government. Adjournment... 1054, 1057, 1059, 1060, 1061 Aeronautical and Space Sciences, Committee on, reports by National Aeronautics and Space Administration, construction and research.. 169, 170 Agriculture and Forestry, Committee on, reports by Agriculture, Department of, Wholesome Meat Act 591, 597, 600 Appointments with advice and consent of./See Appointments by, with advice and consent of Senate under President of the United States. Appropriation for 38, 43, 127, 774 Appropriations, Committee on, reports to—Army, Department of the, military construction, etc 282 Atomic Energy Commission, transfer of funds 481 Defense, Department of 237, 244, 245, 248 Health, Education, and Welfare, Department of, education programs, evaluation 814 Armed Services, Committee on, reports toAir Force, Department of the, military construction, etc 298 Army, Department of the, military construction, etc 282 Defense, Department of.. 248, 301, 302, 651