Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 81.djvu/247

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[81 STAT. 213]
PUBLIC LAW 90-000—MMMM. DD, 1968
[81 STAT. 213]



PUBLIC LAW 90-83-SEPT. 11, 1967

(B) The analysis of chapter 81 is amended by inserting the following new item after item 8146: "8146a. Ck>st-of-living adjustment of compensation." (68) Section 8147(a) is amended by inserting the following new sentence at the end thereof: "For the purpose of this subsection, 'administrative expenses' does not include expenses for legal services performed by or for the Secretary under sections 8131 and 8132 of this title." (69) Chapter 81 is amended by striking out section 8148. (70) The analysis of chapter 81 is amended by striking out the following item:


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"8148. Reports."

(71) Section 8149 is amended— (A) by inserting before the period at the end of the first sentence the following: "including rules and r e f l a t i o n s for the conduct of hearings under section 8124 of this title"; and (B) by inserting the following new sentence at the end thereof: " I n adjudicating claims under section 8146 of this title, the Secretary may determine the nature and extent of the proof and evidence required to establish the right to benefits under this subchapter without regard to the date of injury or death for which claim is made." (72) Section 8331 is amended— (A) by amending paragraph (1)(B) and (C) to read as follows: " (B) the Architect of the Capitol, an employee of the Architect of the Capitol, and an employee of the Botanic Garden; " (C) a congressional employee as defined by section 2107 of this title (other than the Architect of the Capitol, an employee of the Architect of the Capitol, and an employee of the Botanic Garden), after he ^ives notice in writing to the official by whom he is paid of his desire to become subject to this subchapter;"; (B) by amending paragraph (1)(D) by striking out the words "come within the purview of" and inserting "become subject to " in place thereof; (C) by amending paragraph (2) by striking out the words "come within the purview of" and inserting "become subject to " in place thereof; (D) by amending paragraph (3)(B) (ii) by striking out the words "and 6 0 e - l l " and inserting "eOe-ll, 60e-12, and 60e-13" in place thereof; (E) by amending paragraph (8)(C) by striking out the words "not within the purview of" and inserting "in which he does not continue subject to " in place thereof; (F) by amending paragraph (13)(C) by striking out the words "Coast and Geodetic Survey" and inserting "Environmental Science Services Administration" in place thereof; (G) by striking out the word "and" after the semicolon at the end of paragraph (14); (H) by amending paragraph (15) to read as follows: "(15) 'price index' means the Consumer Price Index (all items—United States city average) published monthly by the Bureau of Labor Statistics; and"; and (I) by inserting the following new paragraph after paragraph ( 1 5):

^"'^' p- 210.

so st«t. 5 64.

so Stat. 409.

"Price index."