Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 81.djvu/259

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[81 STAT. 225]
PUBLIC LAW 90-000—MMMM. DD, 1968
[81 STAT. 225]

81 STAT,]

PUBLIC LAW 9 0 - 8 5 - S E P T. 11, 1967


such payment by the local authority or agency of its portion of the cost of such planning and construction: Provided, That any lump sum payment Dy an agency or local authority towards its portion of the cost of all planning and construction (including acquisition of rights-of-way), if not of the whole amount thereof or of the remaining balance at the time of payment, shall be in an amount of not less than one-fourth of the agency's or local authority's original entire portion of the planning and construction cost." SEC. 2. Section 4 of the Act of June 12, 1960 (D.C. Code, sec. 4 3 - Repayment of 1623), is amended— ^°^""(1) by inserting " (a) " immediately after "SEC. 4.", (2) by striking out in the second sentence "and shall be repaid" ^ and inserting in lieu thereof "and 50 per centum of the total ....1.:.,,...^^

^ amount of loans made under this section shall be repaid", and (3) by adding at the end thereof the following new subsection: " (b) The amount of loans which were made under subsection (a) of this section, and which do not have to be repaid— "(1) shall be considered as an additional Federal contribution toward the cost of planning, acquiring rights-of-way for, and constructing, the Potomac interceptor sewer, and "(2) for purposes of section 2(b) of this Act, shall be treated as having been appropriated pursuant to section 3 of this Act." A?1^,^°'^^ 43-1622. Approved September 11, 1967.

Public Law 90-85 AN ACT

Septemberl 1, 1967

To authorize the Secretary of Agriculture to sell the Pleasanton Plant Materials Center in Alameda County, California, and to provide for the establishment of a plant materials center at a more suitable location to replace the Pleasanton Plant Materials Center, and for other purposes.

[H. k. 547]

Be it enacted by the Senate and Hmise of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary MrtlrfaiTSnrer^"* of Agriculture is authorized to convey to the County of Alameda, cau"^ ^ ^" ^ State of California, by quitclaim deed, for not less than fair market Relocation. value as determined by independent appraisal, all right, title, and „._ interest of the United States in and to the Pleasanton Plant Materials Center, situated in Alameda County, California, and the improvements thereon, which conveyance may be made subject to such reservations and upon such terms and conditions as the Secretary may deem appropriate, including the reservation of the right to continue the operation of the Pleasanton Plant Materials Center until a plant materials '*^ '" center to replace the Pleasanton Plant Materials Center shall be constructed, equipped, and ready for operation, and the functions of the Pleasanton Platit Materials Center are removed to the new site. SEC. 2.JThC;Secretary of Agriculture is authorized to apply the ^^^1°"^^^^^ ""^ proceeds of the sale of the Pleasanton Plant Materials Center to the costs of acquiring other lands or interests in land in the State of California which the Secretary' deems suitable for a plant materials center to be established as a replacement for the Pleasanton Plant Materials Center, to the cost of construction and alteration of buildings, and the development of such other improvements thereon as may be necessary for the establishment of the plant materials center, and to the costs of remoVaJ t&si^ch center of the functions of the Pleasanton Plant Materials Ceiiter, liicluding the expenses incident to the transfer of persoijne]^ and the removal of equipment, planting stock, and other property.