Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 81.djvu/41

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PUBLIC LAW 90-000—MMMM. DD, 1968

81 STAT. ]

PUBLIC LAW 90-7-APR. 1, 1967


To support emerjiency food assistance to India.

April i, 1967

[H. j. Res. 267]

Whereas the Congress has dechired it to be the policy of the United States to combat hunger and malnutrition and to encourage economic development in the developing countries; and Whereas two years of drought have caused a grave food shortage in India which threatens the lives and health of millions of people; and Whereas the urgency of the need of the Indian people and the time needed for congressional deliberation have required the United States already to commit three million six hundred thousand tons of grain valued at $275,000,000 as a part of the eight to ten million tons of grain estimated to be required during the calendar year 1967 from outside India to prevent irreparable hardship to the people of India; and Whereas the programs of economic and agricultural development which have been launched by the Government of India would be seriously impaired if the international community failed to act promptly and on an adequate scale to meet the urgent needs of the people of India: Therefore be it Resolved by the Sena.te and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Congress approves India. the participation of the United States in cooperation with other a sEmergency food sistance. countries and with multilateral organizations, including the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the Food and Agriculture Organization, and others, in urgent international efforts designed to— (a) develop a comprehensive self-help approach to the wa,r on hunger based on a fair sharing of the burden among the nations of the world; (b) encourage and assist the Government of India in achieving food self-sufficiency; and (c) help meet India's critical food and nutritional needs by making available agricultural commodities or other resources needed for food procurement or production. Because uncertainty in connection with Public Law 480 transactions 68 Stat. 454. 7 tends to depress market prices, it is the sense of Congress that, in note.u s e 1691 carrying out this Aid to India program, the Administration should, subject to the requirement of section 401 of Public Law 480 with 80 Stat. 1535 respect to the availability of the commodity at the time of exportation, 7 USC 1731. make announcements of intention, purchases and shipments of commodities on schedules and under circumstances which will protect and strengthen farm market prices to the maximum extent possible. The (\)ngress endorses the President's policy of equal participation. ^quai participaon the part of the United States with all other nations, under terms ^^°" ^ and conditions set forth in Public Law 480, as amended, in assisting the (lovernment of India to meet these needs. Further, the Congress recommends, on the basis of estimates now Additional food available, that the United States provide an additional amount of grain. food grain not to exceed three million tons at an estimated cost of $190,000,000 as the United States share toward meeting the India food deficit, provided it is appropriately matched, and specifically extends its support to the allocation of approximately $190,000,000 of funds