Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 81.djvu/416

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[81 STAT. 382]
PUBLIC LAW 90-000—MMMM. DD, 1968
[81 STAT. 382]


72 Stat. 130. Repeal. 70A Stat. 414.

PUBLIC LAW 90-130-NOV. 8, 1967

[81 STAT.

the basic pay of the grade in which retired multiplied by the number of years of service that may be credited to her under section 1405 of this title, but the retired pay may not be more than 75 per centum or less than 50 per centum of the basic pay upon which the computation of retired pay is based."; (Q-) repealing section 6399 and striking out the corresponding item lu the aualysls; and (H) amending the items in the analysis relating to sections 6396 and 6398 to read as follows: "6396. Regular Navy; officers in Nurse Corps in grades below commander: retirement or discharge. «





"6398. Regular Navy; women captains and commanders; Regular Marine Corps; women colonels and lieutenant colonels: retirement for length of service; retired grade and pay."

^o^A^^tat 495 71 Stat. 386. 70A Stat. 4 9 9.

70A Stat. 511 71 Stat. 387;

72 Stat. 1565.

71 Stat. 388.

74 Stat. 276. ^2^^^l\' 1526 70A Stat. 526.

^o^AStat. 531. 74^tat! 279.


^^^^ Chapter 807 is amended by repealing section 8071 and striking out the corresponding item in the analysis. (26) Chapter 831 IS amended by— (A) striking out subsection (b) in section 8206; (B) striking out subsection (b) in section 8207; (C) striking out all of section 8208 after the first sentence; (D) striking out "Except for Air Force nurses and medical specialists, the" in section 8209 and inserting in place thereof "The"; (E) striking out all of section 8215 after the first sentence; and (F) amending the catchline for section 8215 and the corresponding item in the analysis by striking out in each case "; female enlisted members on active duty". (27) Chapter 835 is amended by— (A) amending section 8299 by striking o u t ", except as provided iH subsection (f) or (g), " wherever those words appear in subsection (a) and striking out the last sentence of subsection (c), subsections (f) and (g), and the last sentence of subsection (h); (B) striking out subsection (d) in section 8300; (C) striking out subsection (b) in section 8301; (D) striking out subsection (f) in section 8303; and (E) striking out subsections (g) and (h) in section 8305. (28) Chapter 837 is amended by— (y^) Striking out subsection (f) in section 8366; (B) inserting a period after "major" in clause (2) of section 8368(a) and striking out the remainder of that clause; and (C) repealing section 8370 and striking out the corresponding item in the analysis. (29) Chapter 841 is amended by— (^\^) Striking out subsection (b) in section 8504; (B) amending the catchline of section 8504 and the corresponding item in the analysis by striking out in each case ": limitations; grade". (^^^) Chapter 845 is amended by repealing section 8580 and striking out the corresponding item in the analysis. (31) Chapter 863 is amended by— U^) repealing section 8847 and striking out the corresponding item in the analysis; and (B) striking out ", except an officer covered by section 8847 of this title," in section 8848(a), (32) Chapter 867 is amended by— (-^) amending section 8915 to read as follows: