Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 81.djvu/450

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[81 STAT. 416]
PUBLIC LAW 90-000—MMMM. DD, 1968
[81 STAT. 416]

m^ Communist China. Foreign Service R e s e r v e.

Citation of title.

PUBLIC LAW 90-133-NOV. 8, 1967



(2) for the promotion, direct or indirect, of the principle or doctrine of one world government or one world citizenship. SEC. 105. I t is the sense of the Congress that the Communist Chinese Government should not be admitted to membership in the United Nations as the representative of China. SEC. 106. Existing appointments and assignments to the Foreign Service Keserve in the Department of State which expire during the current fiscal year may be extended in the discretion of the Secretary of State for a period of one year in addition to the period of appointment or assignment otherwise authorized. This title may be cited aw the "Department of State Appropriation Act, 1968". TITLE II—DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE LEGAL ACTIVITIES AXD GENERAL



For expenses necessarv for the administration of the Department of Justice and for examination of judicial offices, including purchase (one for replacement only) and hire of passenger motor vehicles; and miscellaneous and emergency expenses authorized or approved by the Attorney General or the Assistant Attorney General for Administration; $5,858,000. SALARIES A N D E X P E N S E S, GENERAL LEGAL


For expenses necessary for the legal activities of the Department of Justice, not otherwise provided for, including miscellaneous and emergency expenses authorized or approved by the Attorney General or the Assistant Attorney General for Administration; not to exceed $20,000 for expenses of collecting evidence, to be expended under the direction of the Attorney General and accounted for solely on his certificate; and advances of public moneys pursuant to law (31 U.S.C. .529); $22,375,000. A L I E N TROPERTY ACTIVITIES L I M I T A T I O N ON GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVE E X P E N S E S

40 Stat. 4 1 1. 50 USC app. 1. 69 Stat. 5 6 2.

The Attorney General, or such officer as he may designate, is hereby authorized to pay out of any funds or other property or interest vested in him or transferred to him pursuant to or with respect to the Trading With the Enemy Act of October 6, 1917, as amended (50 U.S.C. A p p.), and the International Claims Settlement Act, as amended (22 U.S.C. 1631), necessary expenses incurred in carrying out the powers and duties conferred on the Attorney General pursuant to said Acts: Provided, That not to exceed $48,000 shall be available in the current fiscal year for transfer to the appropriation for "Salaries and expenses, general legal activities", for the general administrative expenses of alien property activities, including rent of private or Governmentowned space in the District of Columbia. SALARIES A N D E X P E N S E S, A N T I T K I ' S T DIVISION

For expenses necessary for the enforcement of antitrust and kindred laws, $7,620,000: Provided, That none of this appi"0priation shall be expended for the establishment and maintenance of permanent regional offices of the Antitrust Division.