Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 81.djvu/513

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[81 STAT. 479]
PUBLIC LAW 90-000—MMMM. DD, 1968
[81 STAT. 479]



PUBLIC LAW 90-147-NOV. 20, 1967


purchase of one passenger motor vehicle for replacement only, $850,000. SOUTHWESTERN POWER ADMINISTRATION CONSTRUCTION

For construction and acquisition of transmission lines, substations, and appurtenant facilities, and for administrative expenses connected therewith, in carrying- out the provisions of section 5 of the Flood Control Act of 1944 (16 U.S.C. 825s), as applied to the southwestern power area, $5,015,000, to remain available until expended. OPERATION AND

ss Stat. 89o.


For necessary expenses of operation and maintenance of power transmission facilities and of marketing electric power and energy pursuant to the provisions of section 5 of the Flood Control Act of 1944 (16 U.S.C. 825s), as applied to the southwestern power area, including purchase of not to exceed three passenger motor vehicles, for replacement only, $2,240,000. CONTINUING


Not to exceed $3,200,000 shall be available during the current fiscal year from the continuing fund for all costs in connection with the purchase of electric power and energy, and rentals for the use of transmission facilities. FEDERAL WATER POLLUTION CONTROL ADMINISTRATION WATER SUPPLY AND WATER POLLUTION CONTROL

For expenses necessary to carry out the Federal Water Pollution 498; Control Act, as amended, and other related activities, including 79^|tlt^9„„. 903. $9,000,000 for grants to States and $1,000,000 for grants to interstate 33 USC 466 note. agencies under section 7 of such Act, %^%^QO<dQ(}: Provided, That ^^ use 466d. $500,000 for grants to comprehensive basin planning agencies under section 3(c) of such Act and $26,000,000 for grants under section 6 of f usc'4M'*a^; ^ such Act, shall remain available until expended. 33 USC 466c-i. CONSTRUCTION GRANTS FOR WAST^E T R E A T M E N T WORKS

For grants,for construction of waste treatment works pursuant to section 8 of the Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, to remain available until expended, $203,000,000. GENERAL PROVISIONS—DEPARTMENT or

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SEC. 201. Appropriations in this title shall be available for expend- ^tfj^uon "^ ""^ iture or transfer (within each bureau or office), with the approval of the Secretary,, for the emergency reconstruction, replacement or repair of aircraft, buildings, utilities, or other facilities or equipment damaged or destroyed by fire, flood, storm, or other unavoidable causes: Provided, That no funds shall be made available under this authority until funds specifically made available to the Department of the Interior for emergencies shall have been exhausted. SEC. 202. The Secretary may authorize the expenditure or transfer ^^""^ prevention. (within each bureau or office) of any appropriation in this title, in addition to the amounts included in the budget programs of the several agencies, for the suppression or emergency prevention of forest or 85-622 0-68—33 •
