Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 81.djvu/556

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[81 STAT. 522]
PUBLIC LAW 90-000—MMMM. DD, 1968
[81 STAT. 522]


PUBLIC LAW 90-168-DEC. 1, 1967

Report to cong r e s s i o n a l Committees.

70A Stat. 10.

[81 STAT.

the Marine Corps, or the Commandant of the Coast Guard, as the case may be. This subsection does not affect the functions of the Chief of the National Guard Bureau, the Chief, Office of Army Reserve, or the Chief, Office of Air Force Reserve. " (b) The Secretary concerned is responsible for providing the personnel, equipment, facilities, and other general logistic support necessary to enable units and Reserves in the Ready Reserve of the Reserve components under his jurisdiction to satisfy the training requirements and mobilization readiness requirements for those units and Reserves as recommended by the Secretary concerned and by the Joint Chiefs of Staff and approved by the Secretary of Defense, and as recommended by the Commandant of the Coast Guard and approved by the Secretary of Transportation when the Coast Guard is not operated as a service of the Navy. "(c) The Secretary concerned shall submit a written report to the Committees on Armed Services of the Senate and the House of Representatives each year regarding the extent to which units and Reserves in the Ready Reserve of the Reserve components under his jurisdiction have satisfied the training and mobilization readiness requirements pursuant to subsection (b) of this section for the year with respect to which such report was submitted. Reports under this subsection shall be made on a fiscal year basis and the report for any fiscal year shall be submitted within 60 days after the end of the fiscal year for which it is submitted.*' (7) The section analysis at the beginning of chapter 11 is amended by striking out "2M. Reserve affairs: responsibility for.".

and inserting in lieu thereof "264. Reserve affairs: designation of general or flag officers of each military department; personnel and logistic support for reserves; reports to Congress.". Selected R e serve. 70A Stat. 12; 72 Stat. 1437. 70A Stat. 10. Post,

p. 523.

70A Stat. 610.

70A Stat. 12; 72 Stat. 1437.

(8) Section 268 is amended by inserting the designation " (a) " at the beginning thereof and by adding the following new subsections: " (b) Within the Ready Reserve of each of the Reserve components defined in section 261 of this title, there is a Selected Reserve, consisting of units, and, as designated by the Secretary concerned, of Reserves, trained as prescribed in section 270(a)(1) of this title or section 502(a) of title 32, United States Code, as appropriate. "(c) The organization and unit structure of the Selected Reserve shall be approved— "(1) in the case of the Coast Guard Reserve, by the Secretary of Transportation upon the recommendation of the Commandant of the Coast Guard, and "(2) in the case of all other Reserve components, by the Secretary of Defense based upon recommendations from the military departments as approved by the Joint Chiefs of Staff in accordance with contingency and war plans." (9) Section 269(e)(l) - (6) is amended to read as follows: "(1) he served on active duty (other than for training) in the armed forces for an aggregate of at least five years; or "(2) he served on active duty (other than for training) in the armed forces for an aggregate of less than five years, but satisfactorily participated, as determined by the Secretary concerned, in an accredited training program in the Ready Reserve for a period which, when added to his period of active duty (other than for training), totals at least five years, or such shorter period as the Secretary concerned, with the approval of the Secretary of Defense in the case of a Secretary of a military department, may