Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 81.djvu/683

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[81 STAT. 649]
PUBLIC LAW 90-000—MMMM. DD, 1968
[81 STAT. 649]


PUBLIC LAW 90-207-DEC. 16, 1967



Public Law 90-207 AN ACT

December 16, 1967

To increase the basic pay for members of the uniformed services, and for other purposes.

[H. R. lasio]

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That title 37, United ic^s"f °"^'^ ^^'^' States Code, is amended as follows: salary increase. (1) Section 203(a) is amended to read as follows: ^° ^'^'- ^^e. " (a) The rates of monthly basic pay for members of the uniformed services within each pay grade are set forth in the following tables: "COMMISSIONED OFFICERS Years of service computed under section 205 "Pay gradi 2 or less O-lOi 0-9 0-8. 0-7 0-6 0-5 Q-A 0-3 2 0-2 2 0-12


$1,503.90 1,332.90 1,207.20 1,002.90 743.10 594.30 501.60 466.20 373.50 321.00

Over 2 $1,557.00 1,367.70 1,243. 50 1,071.60 816.90 698.40 610.20 520.80 443.70 355.20

Over 3

Over 4

Over 6

$1,557.00 1,397.40 1,272.90 1,071.60 870.30 746.10 651.30 556.20 532.80 443.70

$1,557.00 1,397.40 1,272.90 1,071.60 870.30 746.10 651.30 615.90 550. 50 443. 70

$1,557.00 1,397.40 1,272.90 1,119.30 870.30 746.10 663. 00 645.30 562.20 443.70

Years of service,' computed under section 205 Over 8 0-101 0-9 0-8 0-7 0-6 0-5 0-4 0-32 0-22 0-12

Over 10

Over 12

Over 14

Over 16

$1,616.40 1,432.50 1,367.70 1,119.30 870.30 746.10 692.70 668.70 562.20 443.70

$1,616.40 1,432. 50 1,367.70 1,184.10 870. 30 769. 50 739. 80 704.70 562.20 443.70

$1,740.60 1,491.90 1,432.50 1,184.10 870. 30 810.60 781.20 739. 80 562.20 443.70

$1,740.60 1,491.90 1,432. 50 1,243.50 900. 00 864.60 816.90 757.80 562.20 443.70

$1,865.10 1,616.40 1,491.90 1,367.70 1,041.90 929. 40 852.60 757.80 562.20 443.70

Years of service computed under section 205 Over 18



0-22 0-12

Over 20

Over 22

Over 26

Over 30

$1,865.10 1,616.40 1,557.00 1,462.20 1,095.30 982.80 876.30 757.80 562.20 443.70

$1,989.30 1,740.60 1,616.40 1,462.20 1,119.30 1,012.20 876.30 757. 80 562.20 443.70

$1,989.30 1,740.60 1,681.50 1,462.20 1,184.10 1,047.90 876.30 757.80 562.20 443.70

$2,113.80 1,865.10 1,681.50 1,462.20 1,284.60 1,047.90 876.30 757.80 562.20 443.70

$2,113.80 1,865.10 1,681.50 1,462.20 1,284.60 1,047.90 876. 30 757. 80 562.20 443. 70

"' While serving as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Chief of Staff of the Army, Chief of Naval Operations, Chief of Staff of the Air Force, or Commandant of the Marine Corps, basic pay for this grade is $2,332.20 regardless of cumulative years of service computed under sec. 205 of this title. "2 Does not apply to commissioned officers who have been credited with over 4 years' active service as enlisted members.