Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 81.djvu/702

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[81 STAT. 668]
PUBLIC LAW 90-000—MMMM. DD, 1968
[81 STAT. 668]


PUBLIC LAW 90-219-DEC. 20, 1967

[81 STAT.

" (b) The ineinbers first elected to the Board shall coiitiime in office for terms of one, two, three, three, and four years, respectively, the term of each to be designated by the Judicial Conference of the United States at the time of his election. "(c) Members first elected to the Board who are designated by the Judicial Conference of the United States to serve terms of office of less than four years shall be eligible for reelection to one full term of office.-' TITLE

80 Stat. 564.





SEC. 201. (a) Chapter 41 of title 28, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end thereof a new section as follows: "§611. Retirement of Director " (a) The Director may, by written election filed with the Chief Justice of the United States within six months after the date on which he takes office, waive coverage under subchapter III (relating j-^ ^.j^jj service retirement) of chapter 83, title 5, United States Code, and bring himself within the purview of this section. Such waiver and election shall not operate to foreclose to the Director, upon separation from service other than by retirement, such, opportunity as the law may provide to secure civil service retirement credit for service as Director by depositing with interest the amount required by section ^'^'^^ ^^ title 5, United States Code. "(b) Upon the retirement of a Director who has elected coverage under this section and who has served at least fifteen years and attained the age of sixty-five years the Administrative Office of the United States Courts shall pay him an annuity for life equal to 80 per centum of the salary of the office at the time of his retirement. "Upon the retirement of a Director who has elected coverage under this section and who has served at least ten years, but who is not eligible to receive an annuity under the first paragraph of this subsection, the Administrative Office of the United States Courts shall pay him an annuity for life equal to that proportion of 80 per centum of the salary of the office at the time of his retirement that the number of years of his service bears to fifteen, reduced by one-quarter of 1 per centum for each full month, if any, he is under the age of sixty-five at the time of separation from service. "(c) A Director w'ho has elected coverage under this section and who becomes permanently disabled to perform the duties of his office shall be retired and shall receive an annuity for life equal to 80 per centum of the salary of the office at the time of his retirement if he has served at least fifteen years, or equal to that proportion of 80 per centum of such salary that the aggregate number of years of his" service bears to fifteen if he has served less than fifteen years, but in no event less than 50 T>er centum of such salary. " (d) For the purpose of this section, 'service' means service, whether or not continuous, as Director of the Administrative Office of the United States Courts, and any service, not to exceed five years, as a judge of the United States, a Senator or Representative in Congress, or a civilian official appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate." (b) The table of contents preceding such chapter is amended by inserting at the end thereof the following new item: "611. Retirement of Director.".

70 Stat. 1021.

gg(._ 202. Section 376, title 28, United States Code, is amended by adding the following new subsections: